City of Los Angeles releases Vision Zero Action Plan

January 31, 2017

Mayor Eric Garcetti and the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) announce the release of the city’s first Vision Zero Action Plan.

The plan outlines the city’s blueprint to reduce fatalities by 20% by the end of 2017 with the ultimate goal of eliminating traffic deaths by 2025. The Action Plan identifies the highest concentrations of fatal and severe injury collisions on the City’s High-Injury Network. The Action Plan also highlights a series of projects that work. For example, since the installation of a scramble crosswalk at the intersection of Hollywood and Highland in November 2015, there have been zero deaths and serious injuries because of a collision. Leading pedestrian intervals installed at 22 locations, or “pedestrian head starts,” have been shown to result in a 60% reduction in vehicle collisions with people walking.

The Plan is organized around the following key outcomes, to emphasize the importance of working together to achieve Vision Zero goals: Create Safe Streets for All, Develop a Culture of Safety, Adopt New Policies and Legislation to Strengthen Safety and Respond to Relevant Data.

You can view an interactive, online version of the Action Plan at the following link:

You can download a PDF copy of the Action Plan at the following link:

Online Safety study doc: