Grand Boulevard Initiative: Revitalizing the El Camino Real Corridor

May 5, 2015

Grand Boulevard Initiative is a collaboration of 19 cities, counties, local and regional agencies dedicated to the revitalization of the El Camino Real Corridor. The Task Force facilitates planning for revitalizing 43 miles of El Camino Real and its surrounding communities.  This effort to improve the El Camino Real Corridor includes leading businesses, non-profit agencies, neighborhoods and community advocates.   10 Guiding Principles:

  • Target housing and job growth in strategic areas along the corridor
  • Encourage compact mixed-use development and high-quality urban design and construction
  • Create a more pedestrian-oriented environment and improve streetscapes, ensuring full access to and between public areas and private developments
  • Develop a balanced multimodal corridor to maintain and improve mobility of people and vehicles along the corridor
  • Manage Parking Assets
  • Provide vibrant public spaces and gathering places
  • Preserve and accentuate unique and desirable community character and the existing quality of life in adjacent neighborhoods
  • Improve safety and public health
  • Strengthen pedestrian and bicycle connections with the corridor
  • Pursue environmentally sustainable and economically viable development patterns
