Program |
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California Public Access Program |
Grant/Project | Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) |
Funding for competitive grants will focus on creating opportunities for wildlife-oriented recreation experiences. Projects in the past included the construction of public access facilities such as fishing piers, parking and restrooms, and trails. Projects must be compliant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). |
Proposals due Friday, June 29, 2018 Applications due Friday, August 10, 2018 |
Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation (EEM) Program | Grant/Project | California Transportation Commission |
EEM provides grant opportunities for projects that directly or indirectly mitigate environmental impacts of transportation facilities. Projects should fall into one of the following three categories: urban forestry, resource lands, or mitigation projects beyond the scope of the lead agency. Grants for individual projects are generally limited to $500,000 each. Any state, local, federal or non-profit entity may apply. 2018 Grant Cycle will award funding March/May 2019. |
Electronic Wednesday, June 20, 2018 Printed Friday, June 22, 2018 |
Community Assistance in Conservation and Outdoor Recreation |
Consultation | National Park Service |
The National Park Service provides free, on-location facilitation, and planning expertise for communities interested in implementing change in local recreation facilities.Whether it’s an idea to expand a bike path, water trail, or park, National Park Service can provide consultation for specific needs of a community. Project applicants may be state and local agencies, tribes, nonprofit organizations, or citizen groups. |
Saturday, June 30, 2018 | Website |
Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning | Grant/Project | U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Transit Administration | Funds will be awarded competitively to support comprehensive development and improvement projects focused on ridership, multi-modal connectivity and accessibility, and increased transit access for pedestrians and bikers. Expected number of awards is 35. | Monday, July 23, 2018 | Website |
Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 4 Call-for-Projects | Grant/Project | California Transportation Commission | ATP was created by Senate Bill 99 and Assembly Bill 101 to encourage active transportation, such as biking and walking. The goals of ATP are to increase trips by biking and walking, promote safety and mobility of non-motorized users, and reduce greenhouse gas emission and enhance public health. 2019 ATP will be for state fiscal years 2019-20 to 2022-23. | Tuesday, July 31, 2018 | |
Caltrans Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 9 Call-for-Projects |
Grant/Project | U.S. Department of Transportation/ Federal Highway Administration: Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST) |
HSIP focuses on reducing traffic-related injuries and fatalities on all public roads. Projects must improve the safety of road users on any public road, publicly owned bicycle or pedestrian pathway, or on tribal lands. Applicants must be a city, county, or tribal government federally recognized within California. All proposed projects must lead to and complete the construction of safety improvements, and must be consistent with California's Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). The total federal funds available for Cycle 9 is approximately $140M to $160M. Funding amount will depend on active HSIP projects by FYE 2017-18. |
Friday, August 31, 2018 |
Land and Water Conservation Fund: Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program |
Grant/Project | U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service |
ORLP provides grants to acquire and/or develop public lands for outdoor recreation purposes. Specifically, projects must target “urbanized areas” defined in Census Bureau, as a population of 50,000 or more people. Projects must also be located in or directly to neighborhoods that are under resourced of parks and recreational services. |
Friday, September 14, 2018 |
Caltrans Transportation Planning Grant Program | Grant/Project | Caltrans Senate Bill 1 |
Sustainable Communities and Adaptation Planning: $25 million for Sustainable Communities Grants: funding aims to support transportation planning projects that identify and address mobility deficiencies in multimodal transportation systems, exemplify programmed system improvements, and encourage local and regional collaboration to achieve Caltrans mission and Grant Program Objectives. Example project types have included complete street plants, bicycle and pedestrian safety enhancement plans, and safe routes to school studies and plans $6 million for Adaptation Planning Grants: funding is intended to encourage local and regional efforts to improve California’s transportation systems, as a way to protect against climate change impacts such as wildfires, droughts, and landslides |
Application released in August 2018 Due by Friday, October 19, 2018 |
Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) Grants for Research Fellowship (GRF) |
Grant for Research Fellowship | U.S. Department of Transportation/ Federal Highway Administration |
This research fellowship is intended for Masters or Doctoral students in transportation-related disciplines. The goal of DDETFP is to increase and support scholars and researchers interested in transportation, enhance careers of transportation professionals by encouraging them to seek advanced degrees, and overall increase employee access and retention in the transportation industry. |
Monday, July 16, 2018 | Website |
Safety 2019 Travel Awards |
Travel funds for postdoctoral fellow/PhD student | Safety |
Safety is an international peer-reviewed open access journal of industrial and human health safety published quarterly online by MDPI. Safety is providing funds to support travel costs for one postdoctoral fellow and one PhD student to present their data at a scientific conference in 2019. Candidates must be studying industrial and human health safety and able to present their original work at the conference for which the travel award application is being submitted. |
Tuesday, October 30, 2018 | Application and Website |
America Walks Community Change Grants |
Grant | America Walks |
America Walks, partners of the Every Body Walk! Collaborative, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Juliet Ashby Hillman Foundation, Lyft, WalkBoston, and other generous sponsors, are excited to announce another round of the popular Community Change Grant program. This program will award grantees $1,500.00 in community stipends for projects related to creating healthy, active, and engaged places to live, work, and play. |
Friday, November 2, 2018 | Website/Application |
June 18, 2018