Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operations: A How-To Guide

July 28, 2015

 A How-To Guide The Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operations: A How-To Guide is a guide that provides tips on how communities can effectively deploy pedestrian safety enforcement operations to reduce pedestrian injuries and fatalities published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.  To reduce pedestrian injuries and fatalities, NHTSA recommends a three-pronged approach of engineering, education, and enforcement. This guide primarily discusses the enforcement component of this approach, but it also includes information on the related engineering and education components.

There are many pedestrian safety enforcement operations that improve pedestrian behavior. According to the guide, effective pedestrian safety enforcement operations tend to: collaborate with businesses, the government, the media, use public outreach, train officers in program goals, and encourage integration of the procedures in daily operations.
Planning needs to:
1. Consist of selecting a location where existing pedestrian safety issues exist
2. Conduct a pedestrian road safety audit
3. Then identify locations with frequent traffic violations and high-risk pedestrians.

Lastly, it’s important to get input from residents and to ask community partners to help identify those locations with high traffic locations.

This guide is very detailed, providing promising practices for implementing effective pedestrian safety enforcement operations for communities to improve the safety of pedestrians.  

National Highway Safety Administration