May 18, 2016
UC Walks: Cal Walks at Work Day
June 17 — UC Berkeley campus
Mark your calendars! Join UCB campus colleagues on June 17 for a group walk departing from four campus locations at 12:10 pm to converge at the Campanile. Participants will have a chance to win great prizes: FitBit Flex, High Sierra Hydration Pack, Walking Gear & much more!
Participants in the UC Walks: Cal Walk at Work day will have a chance to:
- Pick-up a free UC Walks T-shirts (while supplies last).
- Speak with representatives from Blue Shield (UC Care), Health Net and Kaiser about UC Wellness resources
- Enjoy light refreshments
- Participate in the Flash Mob at 12:40!
- Win great prizes: FitBit Flex, High Sierra Hydration Pack, Walking Gear and more!
Participants must register and be present at the Celebration Event to win. Registration