Funding and Programming Opportunities

Funding and Programming Opportunities

What is the Funding and Programming Opportunities page and how do I navigate it?

The updated and refreshed Funding and Programming Opportunities page features funding and programmatic resources for transportation safety professionals, planners, advocates, community members, and others alike who want to create more equitable, walkable, and bikeable communities. Resources are organized into five topic areas:

  1. Regional Opportunities;
  2. Statewide Opportunities;
  3. Federal Opportunities
  4. Outside Opportunities; and
  5. Conceptual Approaches to Funding.

Click the links above to navigate directly to each topic area. Our page is continuously being updated as more resources are launched. Do you know of a resource we can add to the list? Please let us know at

Funding can make or break an active transportation project, which makes equitable funding opportunities important for communities to access. In recent years, many planners and agencies have recognized how redlining and disinvestment in certain communities has led to lack of safe infrastructure and less access to public transportation options. Here are a few key funding opportunities that aim to address this:

US DOT's Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program 

The BIL created the Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program, which makes a total of $27 million available to award for the planning and design phase of transportation projects in rural or tribal communities. Grants will support hiring staff or expert firms to provide technical, legal, or financial assistance to advance transportation projects that would be reasonably expected to be eligible for select Department of Transportation discretionary grant or credit programs. The application form to apply for Program funding opened at 2:00 p.m. ET on March 18, 2025 on the Program's webpage and will close at 4:59 PM ET on April 17, 2025. Assistance is provided in a first-come, first-served process, so applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early.

Need help finding funding opportunities in California?

  • Webinar: Navigating Discretionary Grant Programs. Caltrans DLA and FHWA presented this free webinar on Discretionary Grant Programs and how to manage their processes and procedures, with a spotlight on those programs managed by the Caltrans Office of Federal Programs (OFP). The public can access a recording on the webinar's webpage
  • The Active Transportation Resource Center recently held their "Finding the Money: Additional Active Transportation Funding Programs" webinar with representatives of three state programs that support active transportation: one focused on plans, one on education and encouragement, and one that supports infrastructure projects. The webinar also highlighted the federal funding program, Safe Streets and Roads for All, which will release its last round of funding in 2025. The public can access a recording of the webinar, the slides, and resource list shared with attendees on the webinar's webpage

Regional Opportunities

Regional and local funding sources and programming opportunities are generally administered by Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Congestion Management Agencies, Transportation Improvement Authorities, or other regional agencies. Counties or cities may administer some funding sources. These funding sources are supported by federal, state, or local revenue streams.

Regional Opportunities

Northern California

San Francisco Bay Area

Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)

James Cary Smith Grant Program

The program provides funding for community-based projects in the areas most impacted by air pollution in our region. During the 2021-2023 grant cycle, the Air District awarded grants of up to $100,000 per project per year to fund strategies that leverage the power of community members to fully participate in decisions that impact their environment and health. The Air District prioritized applications for projects located in communities awaiting Assembly Bill 617 designation, or projects based in communities with an overall score of 70 to 100 in CalEnviroScreen 4.0.

The 2021-2023 James Cary Smith Community Grant Program application period opened on August 25, 2021, and closed on October 1, 2021. For more information, please visit the Program's website

Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program

The program provides voucher-based funding for zero-emission carsharing, carpooling/vanpooling, bikesharing/scooter-sharing, innovative transit services, and ride-on-demand services in California’s historically underserved communities. The program had $20 million available in 2020 and applications have closed. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website

TFCA 40 Percent Fund

The TFCA 40 Percent Fund is a voluntary program that reduces emissions by funding alternative-fuel and trip-reduction projects. Funds are available for the following project types:

    • Clean air vehicles and electric and hydrogen recharging stations: includes alternative fuel and plug-in hybrid-electric vehicles, scrapping old vehicles, and alternative fuel infrastructure;
    • Ridesharing: includes shuttle, vanpool, carpool, transit, rail-bus, and smart growth projects;
    • Bicycle Facilities: includes installation of new bicycle paths/lanes/routes and secure bike parking, such as lockers and racks; and
    • Infrastructure Improvement for Trip Reduction: includes traffic-calming and construction of facilities that expand access to mass transit, such as a new ferry terminal or bus-rapid-transit lane.

The fund is offered through each county’s Transportation Agency. Interested applicants should reach out to their county’s Transportation Agency to learn about the program.

Clif Bar Family Foundation

The Clif Bar Family Foundation has a Small Grants Program that provides funds for general organizational support as well as funding for specific projects. Applications are reviewed twice a year; the deadlines are the 1st of March and August. Grants awarded during a particular cycle will be announced at the beginning of the following cycle.Priority is given to applicants that address their funding priorities from a holistic perspective: Protect Earth's beauty and bounty; Create a robust, healthy food system; Increase opportunities for outdoor activity; Reduce environmental health hazards, and build stronger communities. Applications are now open and close on August 1, 2025. Find more information and apply on the program's website

Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Innovative Deployments to Enhance Arterials (IDEA)

IDEA is a technical assistance grant program that has been helping cities, counties and transit agencies improve the signal timing of major arterial roadways. MTC has over $20 million reserved for near-term capital Transit Priority projects through its BusAID (Bus Accelerated Infrastructure Delivery) and IDEA programs, and anticipates  funding opportunities in the future.

The 2024 IDEA TSP program has approximately $2 million in federal funds available for technical assistance, but additional funding may be allocated depending on the number of applications received. Applications are due at 4 P.M. on September 12, 2024. Visit the program's website for more details on how to apply and to view the informational webinar. 

One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) Program

Now in its third iteration, OBAG will fund more than $750 million in federal funding for projects from 2023 to 2026. The Program guides how MTC distributes federal transportation funding from the Federal Highway Administration to projects and programs that improve safety, spur economic development and help the Bay Area meet climate change and air quality improvement goals.

The third round of OBAG was adopted by the MTC in January 2022. View MTC Resolution 4505 for complete OBAG 3 Program details. 

Bay Area Safe Routes to School

OBAG funds the Regional Safe Routes to School grant program, which taps federal money to provide about $5 million each year for grants to cities, counties and county transportation agencies to fund:

    • Safe Routes to School program implementation;
    • Direct pedestrian and bicyclist safety training and education programs for K-12 students;
    • Outreach and encouragement for students and families; and
    • Infrastructure safety audits around schools.

Visit the program's website for more information. 

Climate Initiatives Program

The program's goal is to reduce the transportation sector's carbon footprint. These climate initiatives help the Bay Area meet emissions-reduction targets set by state law and improve the health and vibrancy of the region for all its residents.

Since 2009, MTC has invested over $100 million for innovative solutions to reducing transportation-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including:

    • Commuter benefits programs;
    • Carpooling and vanpooling programs;
    • Car sharing programs;
    • Spare the Air Youth and Safe Routes to Schools programs;
    • Activities to promote the adoption of electric vehicles; and
    • Programs to encourage people to change individual travel behavior from driving alone to using sustainable modes.

For more information, visit the program's website.

Priority Conservation Areas (PCA) Program

In spring 2024, the PCA planning framework was updated to establish program objectives and data indicators, resulting in the need to amend designated PCAs to align with the updated framework. The nomination cycle for new PCAs is now open until May 2, 2025. See the program's website for more details.

Priority Development Areas (PDA) Planning Program

Funds plans specific to land use of public transit hubs and rail corridors across the nine Bay Area counties. Examples of eligible projects include emphasis on increasing active transportation multimodal connections, carpooling and carsharing usage, and transit ridership. The current application period is closed. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website

Pavement Management Technical Assistance Program (P-TAP)

P-TAP helps the Bay Area’s cities and counties make cost-effective improvements to streets and roads. The Program uses federal dollars to help Bay Area cities and counties stretch their road budgets by:

    • Implementing, updating and maintaining pavement management databases;
    • Providing accurate pavement condition data to city councils, county supervisors or other local decision makers; and 
    • Supporting the region’s management of non-pavement street and road assets, such as signs, storm drains, curbs and gutters, traffic signals and street lights as pilot projects.

The application period for Round 26 of the Pavement Management Technical Assistance Program (P-TAP) is now closed. You can find more information on the program's website

Transportation Development Act Article 3 (TDA 3)

Provides funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects annually. TDA 3 generates funding through a quarter-cent sales tax to support transportation projects including bus and rail projects, special transit services for disabled riders, and bicycle facilities. MTC allows each of the nine counties to determine how to use two percent of allocated TDA funds. Transit operators submit allocation requests for TDA by submitting an application for funds. For more information, visit the Allocation Requests and Audits page.


The Paint the Town Program was established to provide residents the opportunity to engage with their neighbors, friends, and community organizations to create murals directly on their neighborhood streets. This program is run in partnership between the Oakland Department of TransportationEastside Arts Alliance, and Safe Passages. There are no fees associated with the application process and support is available for community groups based on financial need and funding availability. Murals by community groups in historically underserved neighborhoods will receive the highest priority for funding. Those interested in applying are encouraged to view the guidelines and submit an application

San Joaquin County

San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOP)

SJCOG's Regional ATP Call for Projects for Cycle 7 closed on September 13, 2024. View the program's website for more information and future opportunities. 

San Mateo County

Measure A

Since 1988, the San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA) has worked to improve transit and relieve traffic congestion through Measure A. The Measure was reauthorized in 2004 and now includes funds for more local community shuttle service, railroad/street grade separations, ferry service to South San Francisco and Redwood City, and a major infusion of tax dollars for pedestrian and bicycle projects. 

Applications for the Pedestrian and Bicycle and the Alternative Congestion Relief and Transportation Demand Management Programs closed on August 30, 2024. For more information and future opportunities, visit the Joint Cycle 7 Call for Projects website

San Mateo Transportation Demand Management Agency

San Mateo Transportation Demand Management Agency is a public agency focused on reducing single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) commuting in the San Mateo County. The agency provides information and commute planning alternatives, employer incentive programs and cross-collaboration with city transit. For more information, review the Resources page.

Sonoma County

Sonoma County Transportation Authority 

Measure M and Go Sonoma

Passed by more than two-thirds of voters in November 2004, the Traffic Relief Act for Sonoma County (Measure M) continues to deliver multi-modal transportation improvements throughout the county. It provides for a ¼ cent sales tax smooth and maintain roads, move traffic and improve safety, fund priority projects, build bikeways and pathways, and increase bus service. In 2020, voters approved a measure, Go Sonoma, to extend Measure M sales tax funding for an additional 20 years with no increase in existing sales tax rates.

Measure M specifically funds construction of new bicycle and pedestrian routes that increase overall safety, close gaps in existing routes and provide safe routes to schools and to transit. In addition to a bike safety education program, the Measure M Expenditure Plan lists 14 projects as high priority needs that are eligible to receive funding. For more information on the program and its projects, visit the program website

Central California

Know of Central California funding opportunities? Email us at

Southern California

Los Angeles

Know of Los Angeles funding opportunities? Email us at

San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)

San Diego Association of Governments' (SANDAG) Board of Directors allocates federal funds through several grant programs. Projects generally indirectly or directly enhance San Diego's quality of life. Grants are available for a variety of projects including infrastructure safety and improvement, habitat management, and specialized transportation services for senior and disabled populations. There are currently three active grant programs: Smart Growth Incentive and Active Transportation, TransNet Environmental Mitigation, and Specialized Transportation. 

Southern California Association of Governments

Sustainable Communities Program

The program funds projects that improve roadway safety and achieve the mobility goals outlined in the Connect SoCal 2024 Plan. The program will award up to $10.4 million to active transportation projects within the SCAG region, which encompasses the counties of Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura. All projects should aim to improve mobility across the region, especially for children and older adults, and people walking, biking, riding public transit, and using other forms of active transportation; strategically invest in communities most harmed by traffic injuries and fatalities, including the historically underserved communities comprising the majority of the Regional High Injury Network; support a more resilient transportation network, especially in anticipation of the large-scale events hosted by the region; and support local efforts to increase competitiveness for state and federal funding. Applications closed on Friday, September 27, 2024. For more details and future funding opportunities, visit the program's website

Go Human Mini-Grants Program

With support from the California Office of Traffic Safety, the Mini-Grants program provides funding to non-profits and community-based organizations to implement local traffic safety projects. As a program of SCAG’s Go Human campaign, the Mini-Grants program aims to build street-level community resiliency and increase the safety of people most harmed by traffic injuries and fatalities, including without limitation Black, Indigenous and People of Color; people with disabilities; and frontline workers, particularly those walking and biking. Community-based organizations, non-profits, and social enterprises are eligible for a Mini-Grant. Funding is available to recipients across the SCAG region, which encompasses the counties of Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura. Applications closed February 9, 2024, stay tuned for future opportunities.

Statewide Opportunities

State-level funding sources and programming opportunities are generally administered by Departments of Transportation, state transportation programs, Offices of Traffic Safety or other state agencies. 

Statewide Opportunities

California Conservation Corps (CCC)

CCC is a public service program that occasionally provides assistance on construction projects. The CCC administers several programs and grants to conserve, restore and enhance California’s natural resources. Projects can include watershed protection, wildland fire prevention and non-motorized transportation improvements. Learn more about funding opportunities for your project on their website.

California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)

Active Transportation Program (ATP)

The ATP was created by Senate Bill 99 to encourage increased use of active modes of transportation, such as walking and biking. The ATP consolidates existing federal and state transportation programs, including the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA), and State Safe Routes to School (SR2S), into a single program with a focus to make California a national leader in active transportation. 

Applications for Cycle 7 closed on June 17, 2024. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website

Due to the oversubscription to the ATP, the California Transportation Commission and Caltrans have developed a list of additional programs that fund active transportation projects and elements to serve as a resource for cities, counties, and agencies looking to fund valuable active transportation projects in their communities.

Clean California Local Grant Program

The program helps local communities to beautify and improve their local streets and roads, tribal lands, parks, pathways, and transit centers.

The goals of the Clean CA Local Grant Program are to:

    • Reduce the amount of waste and debris within public rights-of-way, pathways, parks, transit centers, and other public spaces;
    • Enhance, rehabilitate, restore, or install measures to beautify and improve public spaces and mitigate the urban heat island effect;
    • Enhance public health, cultural connection, and community placemaking by improving public spaces for walking and recreation; and
    • Advance equity for underserved communities.

The application deadline for CCLGP Cycle 2 ended on May 31, 2023 for projects to be completed by June 30, 2026. Stay tuned for future funding opportunities and find more information on the program's website.

Elderly and Disabled Specialized Transit Program (FTA Section 5310)

The program provides financial assistance for nonprofit organizations to purchase transit capital equipment to meet the specialized needs of elderly and disabled individuals for whom mass transportation services are unavailable, insufficient, or inappropriate. Public bodies that certify to the Governor that no nonprofit organizations are readily available in their area to provide the specialized service are also eligible.

Caltrans anticipates releasing a call for projects in Mid-2025. Please contact if you have questions or would like to be added to the email interest list. 

Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), aka Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), was signed into law by President Biden on November 15, 2021. Under IIJA, the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), codified as Section 148 of Title 23, United States Code (23 U.S.C §148), is a core federal-aid program to States for the purpose of achieving a significant reduction in fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. The Division of Local Assistance (DLA) manages California's local agency share of HSIP funds. California's Local HSIP focuses on infrastructure projects with nationally recognized crash reduction factors (CRFs). Local HSIP projects must be identified on the basis of crash experience, crash potential, crash rate, or other data-supported means.

HSIP funds are eligible for work on any public road or publicly owned bicycle or pedestrian pathway or trail, or on tribal lands for general use of tribal members, that improves the safety for its users. Cycle 12 Call-for-projects closed on Monday, September 9, 2024. For more information and future funding opportunities, visit the program's Call for Projects website

Sustainable Transportation Planning Grants

Caltrans has officially released the Draft Fiscal Year (FY) 2025-26 Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant (STPG) Application Guide Guide and Call for Applications. A total of $37.7 million is available for transportation planning projects statewide, including approximately $3 million in Climate Adaptation Planning grants. For Native American Tribal Governments, the Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity requirement has been removed, the local match requirement has been removed, and there are up to $3 million in funding set-asides available – up to $2 million for Sustainable Communities and up to $1 million for Climate Adaptation Planning.

Applications closed on January 22, 2025. For more information on the Grants program and future funding opportunities, visit the program's website. 

Climate Adaptation Planning Grants

This program includes approximately $3 million to support local and regional identification of transportation-related climate vulnerabilities through the development of climate adaptation plans, as well as project-level adaptation planning to identify adaptation projects and strategies for transportation infrastructure.

Strategic Partnerships Grants

This program includes $4.5 million to identify and address statewide, interregional, or regional transportation deficiencies on the State highway system in partnership with Caltrans. A sub-category funds transit-focused planning projects that address multimodal transportation deficiencies. 

Sustainable Communities Grants

This program includes $29.5 million to encourage local and regional planning that supports state goals, implements Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Sustainable Communities Strategies (SCS) (where applicable), and to ultimately achieve the State’s greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target of 40 and 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 and 2050, respectively.

California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA)

Environmental Justice Small Grants Program

CalEPA Environmental Justice (EJ) Small Grants Program offers funding opportunities to assist eligible non-profit community organizations and federally-recognized Tribal governments to address environmental justice issues in areas disproportionately affected by environmental pollution and hazards. The EJ Small Grants are awarded on a competitive basis and applicants are eligible for up to $50,000. Applications closed on October 13, 2023. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website

California Natural Resources Agency

Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Grant Program

The Program provides grant opportunities for projects that indirectly mitigate environmental impacts of new transportation facilities. Projects should fall into one of the following three categories: urban forestry, resource lands, or mitigation projects beyond the scope of the lead agency. Funds are available for land acquisition and construction and the local Caltrans District must support the project. The 2024 EEM proposal period is now closed. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website.

California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS)

OTS provides annula grants which are supported by Federal funding under the National Highway Safety Act and SAFETEA-LU. In California, the grants are administered by the Office of Traffic Safety. Grants are used to establish new traffic safety programs, expand ongoing programs or address deficiencies in current programs. Pedestrian and bicycle safety is included in the list of traffic safety priority areas.

Eligible grantees include governmental agencies, state colleges, state universities, local city and county government agencies, school districts, fire departments, and public emergency services providers. Grant funding cannot replace existing program expenditures, nor can traffic safety funds be used for program maintenance, research, rehabilitation, or construction. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis, and priority is given to agencies with the greatest need. Evaluation criteria to assess need include potential traffic safety impact, collision statistics and rankings, seriousness of problems, and performance on previous OTS grants. The Federal Fiscal Year 2026 application period closed on January 31, 2025. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website

California Strategic Growth Council

Transformative Climate Communities Planning Grant

The grant program empowers the communities most impacted by pollution to choose their own goals, strategies, and projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and local air pollution. TCC’s unique, place-based strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is designed to catalyze collective impact through a combination of community-driven climate projects in a single neighborhood. Planning activities should focus on responding to planning issues or priorities that directly benefit low-income and disadvantaged communities. TCC Planning Grants support planning activities to advance community-led goals and projects. TCC’s Round 5 application cycle closed on Aug. 1, 2023. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website

California Transportation Commission

State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP)

The 2024 State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) is a four year program of projects that collectively improves the condition, operation, and sustainability of State Highway System (SHS) and associated transportation infrastructure in California.  The SHOPP funds safety and condition improvements, damage repairs, and highway operational and modal improvements on the State Highway System. The SHS includes all Interstate routes, numbered highway, and other state owned assets including bicycle and pedestrian facilities, culverts, Transportation Management Systems (TMS), safety roadside rest areas, and maintenance stations.  The SHOPP also funds projects necessary to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and stormwater control requirements.  All projects funded by the SHOPP are limited to capital improvements that do not add new through highway lanes.   

For the 2024 SHOPP, California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will implement $21.2 billion in projects and reserves over four years, covering Fiscal Years 2024-25 through 2027-28. For full details, you can visit the most recently adopted SHOPP Guidelines

State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

The STIP is a multi-year capital improvement program of transportation projects on and off the State Highway System, funded with revenues from the Transportation Investment Fund and other funding sources. STIP programming generally occurs every two years. The programming cycle begins with the release of a proposed fund estimate in July of odd-numbered years, followed by California Transportation Commission (CTC) adoption of the fund estimate in August (odd years). The fund estimate serves to identify the amount of new funds available for the programming of transportation projects. Once the fund estimate is adopted, Caltrans and the regional planning agencies prepare transportation improvement plans for submittal by December 15th (odd years). Caltrans prepare the Interregional Transportation Improvement Plan (ITIP) and regional agencies prepare Regional Transportation Improvement Plans (RTIPs). Public hearings are held in January (even years) in both northern and southern California. The STIP is adopted by the CTC by April (even years). 

On December 16, 2022, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit administration (FTA) jointly approved the 2023 FSTIP. Visit the adopted FSTIP for the full details.

Funding for Climate Action's Funding for Climate Action compiles information and resources for funding across state and federal agencies for reducing the impacts of climate change and supporting sustainable communities. Visit the website for more information. 

Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle)

Rubberized Pavement Grant Program

This program is designed to promote markets for recycled-content surfacing products derived from only California-generated waste tires. It is aimed at encouraging first-time or limited users of rubberized pavement in two project types – Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Hot-Mix (Hot-Mix) and Rubberized Chip Seal (Chip Seal). Application materials for fiscal year (FY) 2025–26 will tentatively be available summer 2025. Stay tuned and find more information on the program's website.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP)

RSTP was established by California State Statute utilizing Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP) funds that are identified in Section 133 of Title 23 of the United States Code. This program promotes flexibility in State and local transportation decisions and provides flexible funding to best address State and local transportation needs. STBG is an apportioned (formula) program, which means the funds are only made available to the States by a formula contained in law, which is different than a discretionary grant program where eligible applicants may competitively seek funding through a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). For more information, visit the Program's website

Federal Opportunities

Federal funding sources and programming opportunities are generally administered by federal agencies, authorities or federal revenue streams. 

Federal Opportunities

Federal Transit Administration

Mobility, Access, and Transportation Insecurity Program (MATI)

The Mobility, Access, and Transportation Insecurity (MATI) program, funded by the Federal Transit Administration and managed by the University of Minnesota, seeks to support the planning and development of community-shaped, innovative demonstration projects that can help address issues of transportation insecurity. The Round 2 RFP will focus on rural and small communities. Applicants selected in Phase 1 will have support from the MATI program team to develop a demonstration project plan and submit that plan for consideration of Phase 2 funding and deployment. The Phase 2 demonstration will include the development and execution of a research effort associated with the project and managed by the MATI program team.

Applications for the interest form closed on March 14, 2025, at 5 PM CDT. Final proposals are due April 30, 2025, by 5 PM CDT, submitted via email by the lead applicant to

National Park Service

Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)

LWCF is a federally funded program, run through the National Park Service that provides grants for planning and acquiring outdoor recreation areas and facilities, including trails. Eligible agencies include cities and counties, federally recognized Native American tribes, joint powers authories where all members are public agencies, and non-state agency recreation and park districts and special districts with authority to acquire, operate, and maintain public park and recreation areas. 2024 applications have closed. Stayed tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website

Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program 

The program that provides technical assistance via direct staff involvement, to establish and restore greenways, rivers, trails, watersheds and open space. It provides only for planning assistance—there are no implementation monies available. Projects are prioritized for assistance based upon criteria that include conserving significant community resources, fostering cooperation between agencies, serving a large number of users, encouraging public involvement in planning and implementation and focusing on lasting accomplishments. For more information, visit the program's website

National Safety Council

Road to Zero Coalition Community Traffic Safety Grants Program

The program, funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, are an annual opportunity to put the Road to Zero pillars into practice by supporting promising projects and programs that can help us achieve our mission of zero traffic fatalities. It is focused on supporting innovative and promising approaches for implementing evidence-based countermeasures, supporting a Safe System approach, and performing necessary research to address traffic fatalities, disparities in mobility safety and access, and overall improve traffic safety.

To be eligible, applicants must be a Road to Zero Coalition Member and either a non-profit organization, government entity, federally-recognized Indian Tribes, Tribal Organizations, Urban Indian Organizations, or other entity. The proposed program must operate within the United States. Applications for the 2025 Community Traffic Safety Grants program closed on Friday, Jan. 17, 2025. Visit the program's website for more details and for future funding opportunities.

U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT)

Active Transportation Funding and Finance Toolkit

The toolkit is for anyone interested in expanding bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. While transportation agencies typically spearhead this type of project, this toolkit also covers projects from a variety of other entities, including community improvement districts, universities, nonprofit organizations, and even a hospital. Public officials and community leaders can also use this toolkit to build support for active transportation and to point to success stories from other communities. The toolkit includes an overview of funding and financing strategies; public-private partnerships; emerging and supporting strategies to deliver active transportation projects; case studies; and additional resources. Visit the toolkit website for more information.

Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program

The program funds up to $44,550,000 for two different categories of grants: (1) Planning and Design Grants and (2) Construction Grants. The program helps communities to create plans or implement active transportation networks that connect destinations within or between communities or create plans or implement an active transportation spine connecting two or more communities, metropolitan regions, or States. It also provides an opportunity for eligible organizations to enhance their overall transportation network by integrating active transportation facilities with transit services, where available, to improve access to public transportation.

Applications closed on Monday, June 17, 2024. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website

DOT Navigator

The DOT Navigator is a new resource to help communities understand the best ways to apply for grants, and to plan for and deliver transformative infrastructure projects and services. Visit the website for more information. 

Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP)

The DDETFP awards annual fellowships to Master's and Doctoral students pursuing degrees in transportation-related disciplines. This program advances the transportation workforce by helping to attract the nation's brightest minds to the field of transportation, encouraging future transportation professionals to seek advanced degrees, and helping to retain top talent in the U.S. transportation industry. 2024 applications closed on March 22, 2024. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website

Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility (ICAM) Grant Program

ICAM aims to improve access to public transportation by building partnerships among health, transportation, and other service providers. This program provides competitive funding to support innovative projects for the transportation disadvantaged that will improve the coordination of transportation services and non-emergency medical transportation services (NEMT) for older adults, people with disabilities, and people of low-income. In the FY 2024 program, FTA intends to target funding for regional and statewide mobility management capital projects that support coordination and enable comprehensive community access, including access to NEMT, for underserved groups. Applications closed at 11:59 PM ET on February 13, 2024. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website

Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant (MPDG) Program

The MPDG opportunity contains three grant programs: the National Infrastructure Project Assistance grants program (Mega), the Nationally Significant Multimodal Freight and Highway Projects grants program (INFRA), and the Rural Surface Transportation Grant program (Rural). The funding opportunities are awarded on a competitive basis for surface transportation infrastructure projects with significant national or regional impact, or to improve and expand the surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas. The call for applications for the 2025-2026 grant cycle closed on May 6, 2024. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website.  

Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Grant Program

The INFRA program will award $2.7 billion in competitive grants to multimodal freight and highway projects of national or regional significance to improve the safety, accessibility, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of freight and people in and across rural and urban areas.  Eligible projects will improve safety, generate economic benefits, reduce congestion, enhance resiliency, and hold the greatest promise to eliminate supply chain bottlenecks and improve critical freight movements. 

National Infrastructure Project Assistance (Mega) Program

The Mega program will invest $1.7 billion in large, complex projects that are difficult to fund by other means and are likely to generate national or regional economic, mobility, or safety benefits. Eligible projects include highway, bridge, freight, port, passenger rail, and public transportation projects of national or regional significance. Per the law, 50% of funds are available for projects above $500 million in total cost, and 50% are available for projects between $100 million and $500 million in total cost.

Rural Surface Transportation Grant (Rural) Program

While smaller communities receive grants from a wide number of grant programs, including Mega and INFRA, the Rural program is dedicated specifically to projects in rural areas.  The program will provide $780 million in grants for Rural projects that include highway, bridge, and tunnel projects that help improve freight, safety, and provide or increase access to agricultural, commercial, energy, or transportation facilities that support the economy of a rural area. 

Pedestrian and Bicycle Funding Opportunities 

This table indicates likely eligibility for pedestrian and bicycle activities and projects under U.S. Department of Transportation surface transportation funding programs. Activities and projects need to meet program eligibility requirements. Project sponsors should integrate the safety, accessibility, equity, and convenience of walking and bicycling into surface transportation projects. 

Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning

The program helps support the Federal Transit Administration’s mission of improving America’s communities through public transportation by providing funding to local communities to integrate land use and transportation planning with a new fixed guideway or core capacity transit capital investment. Comprehensive planning funded through the program must examine ways to improve economic development and ridership, foster multimodal connectivity and accessibility, improve transit access for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, engage the private sector, identify infrastructure needs, and enable mixed-use development near transit stations. Applications closed on August 2, 2024. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website

Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-saving Transportation Program (PROTECT)

PROTECT provides funding to ensure surface transportation resilience to natural hazards including climate change, sea level rise, flooding, extreme weather events, and other natural disasters through support of planning activities, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal infrastructure. This includes highways, public transportation, ports, and intercity passenger rail.

The PROTECT discretionary program offers two types of awards: planning grants and Competitive Resilience Improvement Grants. The Notice of Funding Opportunity closed on Monday, February 24, 2025. See the FY25 PROTECT NOFO for more information. 

Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant Program 

The program provides funding for highway-rail or pathway-rail grade crossing improvement projects that focus on improving the safety and mobility of people and goods. Applications closed on September 23, 2024. See the FY 2023-2024 RCE NOFO for more information. 

Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant Program

The program helps project sponsors at the state and local levels, including municipalities, Tribal governments, counties, and others complete critical freight and passenger transportation infrastructure projects. The eligibility requirements of RAISE allow project sponsors to obtain funding for projects that may be harder to support through other U.S. DOT grant programs. 2025 applications closed on January 30, 2025 at 11:59 ET. See the FY25 RAISE NOFO for more information and future funding opportunities. 

Reconnecting Communities Institute (RCI)

RCI is a new US DOT center for learning to help reconnect communities that were harmed, isolated, and cut off from opportunity by transportation infrastructure. RCI support is available to grantees and prospective grantees of the Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) Program to strengthen local capacity in planning and implementing innovative community reconnection projects. The form to express interest in RCI support is now live! For more information, visit the Institute's website

Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) Program

The RCP was established in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and is the first-ever program to help reconnect communities previously cut off from opportunities by transportation infrastructure, such as highways and rail lines, through solutions like high-quality public transportation, infrastructure removal, and main street revitalization. In Fiscal Year 2024, the RCP Program will provide up to $200 million for planning grants, technical assistance funding, and capital construction funding. Applications closed on Monday, September 30, 2024. Visit the program's website for more information and future funding opportunities. 

Recreational Trails Program (RTP)

RTP provides funds annually for recreational trails and trails-related projects. The RTP is a state-administered local assistance program of the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). RTP is administered by the California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR). Motorized projects are administered by the Department’s Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) Division and non-motorized projects are administered by the Department’s Office of Grants and Local Services (OGALS).

RTP projects must be ADA-compliant and may be used for:

    • Maintenance and restoration of existing trails
    • Purchase and lease of trail construction and maintenance equipment
    • Construction of new trails, including unpaved trails
    • Acquisition of easements or property for trails
    • State-administrative costs related to this program (limited to seven percent of a State's funds)
    • Operation of educational programs to promote safety and environmental protection related to trails (limited to five percent of a State's funds).

The Fiscal Year 2024 RTP Grant Cycle is now closed. For more information and future funding opportunities, visit the program's website

Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program 

The BIL created the Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program, which makes a total of $27 million available to award for the planning and design phase of transportation projects in rural or tribal communities. Grants will support hiring staff or expert firms to provide technical, legal, or financial assistance to advance transportation projects that would be reasonably expected to be eligible for select Department of Transportation discretionary grant or credit programs. The application form to apply for Program funding will be available beginning at 2:00 p.m. ET on March 18, 2025 on the Program's webpage and will close at 4:59 PM ET on April 17, 2025. Assistance is provided in a first-come, first-served process, so applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early.

Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Grant Program

The BIL established the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary program to provide $5-6 billion in grants between 2022 and 2026. Funding supports regional, local, and Tribal initiatives through grants to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. The SS4A program supports Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg’s National Roadway Safety Strategy and a goal of zero deaths and serious injuries on our nation’s roadways.

Applications for the 2024 SS4A Planning and Demonstration grants closed on August 29, 2024. Visit the program's website for more details and future funding opportunities.

2024 SS4A Implementation grant applications closed on May 16, 2024 at 5 PM. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website

Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant Program 

The BIL established the SMART discretionary grant program with $100 million appropriated annually for fiscal years (FY) 2022-2026. The SMART program was established to provide grants to eligible public sector agencies to conduct demonstration projects focused on advanced smart community technologies and systems in order to improve transportation efficiency and safety. The FY24 Stage 1 NOFO closed on July 12, 2024 and the Stage 2 NOFO closed on August 14, 2024. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website

Thriving Communities Grant Program 

The Thriving Communities Program (TCP) provides technical assistance, planning and capacity building support for rural, Tribal and other disadvantaged communities adversely or disproportionately affected by environmental, climate, and human health policy outcomes. TCP helps to build organizational capacity to compete for federal aid and deliver quality infrastructure projects that enable communities and neighborhoods to thrive.

2024 TCP applications closed on October 10, 2023. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website

Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund (TTPSF)

Transportation fatalities and injuries severely impact the quality of life in Indian country.  Each year under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), as enacted by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Public Law 117-58), 4% of the available TTP funds are set aside to address transportation safety issues identified by federally recognized Indian tribes through a competitive, discretionary program. Projects are chosen whose outcomes will reduce fatal and serious injuries in transportation related incidents, such as motor vehicle crashes.

Applications for the 2025 TTP Safety Fund closed on January 15, 2025. Visit the program's website for more information and future funding opportunities. 

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (US HUD)

Community Development Block Grants Program

The program funds projects and programs that develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income. Federal Community Development Block Grant Grantees may use CDBG funds for activities that include (but are not limited to) acquiring real property; building public facilities and improvements, such as streets, sidewalks, and recreational facilities; and planning and administrative expenses, such as costs related to developing a consolidated plan and managing CDBG funds. The state makes funds available to eligible agencies (cities and counties) through a variety of different grant types. Grantees enter into a contract with the state. For more information, visit the program's website

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

The EPA awards more than $4 billion in grant funding to a plethora of local, regional, and state projects. In addition to EPA's Office of Sustainable Community, the federal agency is committed to developing smart growth strategies that help communities expand economic opportunity and infrastructure, while protecting human health and the environment.

Outside Opportunities

Outside funding sources and programming opportunities are generally administered by organizations, grants or other revenue streams outside of state, local or federal transportation funding revenue streams. 

Outside Opportunities


Community Challenge Grant Program

The program supplies small grants to nonprofits, government agencies and other groups intending to improve housing, transportation, smart cities and other community elements in short-term, community-based projects. Projects can encourage healthy, safe, inclusive communities by reimagining streets for pedestrians, wheelchair users, bicyclists, transit-riders and motorists of all ages and abilities.

Applications closed on March 5, 2025, 5 p.m. ET for projects to be completed by December 15, 2025. For more information and future funding opportunities, visit the program's website

America Walks

Community Change Grant Program

The program works to provide support to advocates, organizations, and agencies dedicated to the advancement of safe, equitable, accessible, and enjoyable places to walk and move. This grant program focuses especially on creating change at the community level to increase physical activity and active transportation in a specific community, work to engage people and organizations new to the efforts of walking and walkability, and demonstrate a culture of inclusive health and design. All projects must show a strong and intentional foundation of equity and authentic engagement of the whole community in order to apply and be awarded funding. In particular, the program is interested in funding projects that center the concerns of BIPOC residents, reach across the demographics of communities to build coalitions, and/or create unique civic partnerships with new perspectives. Applications closed on January 17, 2024. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website

Intersection Initiatives

The Intersections Initiative connects community leaders, organizations, and local government agencies to technical assistance and funding that make our streets safer and more accessible for people to walk, roll, and bike. For more information, visit the Intersections Initiative website today!

League of American Bicyclists

Community Sparks Program

The program aims to support local changemakers and organizations across the county to improve their communities through bicycling. Applicants chosen will receive up to $1,500 to support projects and programs that spark change and catalyze a community’s ability to create places where bicycling is a safe, easy, and more accessible option. Those at non-profit community-based organizations and public or government organizations/agencies are eligible to apply. 2025 Applications closed on January 17, 2025. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website. 

National Center for Mobility Management

Community Mobility Ready-to-Launch Grant Program

The program provides grants up to $75,000 to non-profits or government agencies to fund the pilot phase of an already designed solution to allow low-income community members to become more fully engaged in economic opportunities, improve their health and well-being, and/or become more integrated into their community. The Ready-to-Launch grants are supported with funding from the Federal Transit Administration and open to any non-profit or government agency that is able to receive, or be a subrecipient of, federal funding. Applications closed on November 17, 2023. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website.


Community Impact Grant

The Outride Community Impact Grant aims to create access to cycling and its social, emotional, and cognitive benefits for all people, especially youth and aging populations. The grant aims to support organizations creating pathways and infrastructure for ridership around Riding For Focus programs or in a specific geography. 2025 applications closed on March 1, 2025 at 11:59 PM PST. Find more information and future funding opportunities on the program's website

Riding for Focus (R4F)

R4F is a middle school-based PE program developed as a result of initial research findings. The program promotes cycling as an outlet for students to improve their cognitive, physical, and socio-emotional well-being. Schools can acquire R4F via two pathways - by purchasing the program, or for schools serving marginalized communities, by applying for a program grant. Schools are provided with everything they need to get their 6th-8th grade students riding, including bikes, helmets, curriculum, and intensive teacher training. Riding for Focus has been implemented in nearly 200 schools—providing cycling education and access to 50,000 students to bikes during their school day—and 57% of schools in our R4F network serve communities where the majority of their students qualify for free/reduced lunches. 2025 applications closed on February 15, 2025 at 11:59 PM PSTFind more information and future funding opportunities on the program's website

PeopleForBikes Foundation

Better Bike Share Mini-Grants Program

The program allocates mini-grants of $10,000 to $25,000 to non-profit community-based organizations, cities, transit agencies, or shared mobility operators to support small, time-bound programs or events in 2024. Those at non-profit community-based organizations, cities, or shared mobility operators are eligible to apply and their projects must have the broad goal of increasing access to and use of shared micromobility options in low-income and/or communities of color. Applications closed on March 10, 2025. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website


Code the Curbs Fellowship Program

This fellowship is designed to empower cities in their journey towards digitizing curb regulations while providing invaluable learning opportunities for students and young professionals in transportation and urban planning. Applications closed on April 18, 2024. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website. 

Safe Routes Partnership

Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day Mini-Grant Program

Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day honors the living legacy of civil rights activist Ruby Bridges. In 1960, six-year-old Ruby Bridges etched her name in history when she integrated into the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans. Since then, Ruby has become a national icon for her courageous action. Every November 14th, we celebrate Ruby’s courageous and historic act by encouraging students to walk to school and engaging in a day of dialogue about activism, anti-racism, and anti-bullying. The goal is to inspire kids to make positive changes in their school and community.

The program offer grants in the amounts of $500 and $1000 to support Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day celebrations. Applications closed on September 13, 2024. Visit the program website for more details and future funding opportunities.

Safe Routes to Parks State Accelerator Program

The program will help interagency teams from three states make funding and practice changes to support safe, convenient, and equitable access to parks and other everyday destinations across their respective states. Each state will assemble a Safe Routes to Parks team that includes representatives from various state agencies, including, but not limited to transportation, public health, and conservation and natural resources. Over 12 months, Safe Routes Partnership will provide consulting services customized to support each state team. Applications for the 2024 cycle closed on October 27, 2023. Stay tuned for future opportunities and find more information on the program's website. 

Smart Growth America

Champions Institute

Smart growth strategies help towns and cities across the country become healthier while improving resiliency and sustainability. With support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Active People, Healthy Nation Initiative, Smart Growth America’s Champions Institute provides mayors, city councilors, tribal chairpeople and councilors, and other local elected officials with knowledge and resources to support plans, policies, and funding that promote activity-friendly routes to everyday destinations. Applications closed on Friday, January 17, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. ET! For more information and future funding opportunities, visit the program website today

Transportation for America

Community Connectors Portal

The portal provides the tools and information needed for advocates to navigate the oftentimes complex and confusing maze of programs, acronyms, and decision points that determine what projects get built with federal and state transportation dollars. Check out the portal today!

Conceptual Approaches to Funding

Integration into Larger Projects “Routine accommodation” policies at Caltrans and MTC require agencies to design, construct, operate, and maintain transportation facilities using best practices for pedestrians and bicyclists. Local jurisdictions can begin to expect that some portion of pedestrian and bicyclist project costs, when they are built as part of larger transportation projects, will be covered in project construction budgets.
New Construction Future construction projects are a means of providing sidewalks and other pedestrian facilities. To ensure that roadway construction projects provide facilities where needed and feasible, it is important that an effective review process be in place so that new roads meet the counties’ and cities’ standards and guidelines for the development of sidewalks and pedestrian facilities. A developer may also attempt to reduce the number of trips (and hence impacts and cost) by paying for on- and off-site bicycle and pedestrian improvements designed to encourage residents, employees and visitors to the new development to walk rather than drive.
Parks and Recreation  Funds are generally derived from property and sales taxes and some fee revenues, and they are sometimes used directly for pathway or pathway-related facilities, including bathrooms, pocket parks, lighting, parking, and landscaping.
Special Improvement Districts Counties and cities may establish special improvement districts to provide funding for specified public improvement projects within the designated district. Business Improvement Districts and Special Assessment Districts are example of special improvement districts.