Explore our newest installment in the Stories From the Field Series to learn how people on the frontline are improving road safety for people who walk, bike, and roll in their communities! Check out the latest Safety Story where the SafeTREC team talked with Paige Colburn-Hargis and Pualani Vazquez from the Scripps Health Injury Prevention Team to discuss their...
What is the Funding and Programming Opportunities page and how do I navigate it?
The updated and refreshed Funding and Programming Opportunities page features funding and programmatic resources for transportation safety professionals, planners, advocates, community members, and others alike who want to create more equitable, walkable, and bikeable communities. Resources are organized into five topic areas:
Created by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), the 2024-25 Complete Streets Action Plan identifies high-priority efforts to implement complete streets projects in the next two calendar years.
Cover page of 2024-25 Complete Streets Action Plan
For this installment of Stories from the Field, UC Berkeley SafeTREC’s Karen Nguyen Vo chatted with Mario Anaya, community development director of the City of Tulare. In this installment, he talks to us about his work to improve safety for those who walk, bike, and roll in Tulare, including with the Comunidades Activas y Seguras (CAyS) program. Read his Safety Story below!
Can you describe your current role at the City of Tulare? What drew you to work for the city?
I currently serve as the community development director at the City of Tulare. In...
Pedestrian Safety Month is celebrated each September in California and the event is spearheaded by the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS).
Each year, OTS and its partners raise awareness about the safety risks pedestrians face on the road and the roles each road user can take to ensure those walking can do so safely and comfortably. Based on data projections from the ...
We’re excited to announce the latest addition to our site is an updated and refreshed Funding and Programming Opportunities page with new resources and easier navigation for regional, statewide, federal, and outside funding and programming opportunities for active transportation projects and programs. You can find the updated Funding and Programming Opportunities page under our “Resources” tab.
The California Active Transportation Safety Information Pages (CATSIP) acts...
On May 2024, Smart Growth America released their Dangerous by Design 2024 report, revealing worrying downward trends in the lack of prioritizing pedestrian safety. The report compares the latest federal data in traffic fatalities from 2018 to 2022 to analyze which metropolitan cities, income groups, and racial groups have the highest rates of pedestrian fatalities. Streets in the United States are "dangerous by design" and grow more deadly by the year, Smart Growth...