On this page, UC Berkeley SafeTREC has cataloged active transportation legislation and resolutions aimed at improving pedestrian and bicycle safety on California roadways. The purpose of centrally locating statutes and resolutions related to active transportation safety is to provide a holistic overview of laws and sentiments governing active travel and a timeline that reflects the passing of active transportation laws over time. Note: This page was last updated in January 2025. If you are aware of California legislation that needs to be updated or is not present here, please reach out by sending an email to safetrec@berkeley.edu.
The California Bicycle Coalition provides an up-to-date inventory of California legislation as they move through the legislature. You can visit their Legislative Watch page to see which bills are currently proposed and monitor their progress throughout the year.
The California legislation, resolutions, and government codes below are divided into several categories. To expand each topic, click on the title or plus sign.
Type | Number | Title + Link | Year | Description |
Government Code | C.G.C 4450 | Access to Public Buildings by Physically Handicapped Persons | 2009 | This measure requires that buildings, structures, sidewalks, curbs, curb ramps, and related facilities that are built with State funds, the funds of cities, counties, or of other political subdivisions be accessible to and usable by people with disabilities. |
Bicycle Safety
Type | Number | Title + Link | Year | Description |
Senate Bill | SB 1271 | Electric bicycles, powered mobility devices, and storage batteries | 2025 | The bill requires electric bicycles (e-bikes), powered mobility devices, and related lithium-ion batteries and components to be tested by accredited laboratories to meet specific safety standards. The bill also mandates labeling these products to show compliance with safety regulations, ensuring consumers are informed. Furthermore, it prohibits distributing, selling, or leasing e-bikes and related equipment unless they meet these standards, aiming to reduce risks like fire hazards and electrical malfunctions. Beginning January 1, 2028, the bill would prohibit a person from renting or offering for renting an e-bike, powered mobility device, charging system, or storage battery unless it has been tested to the specified safety standard. |
Assembly Bill | AB 2234 | Vehicles: electric bicycles | 2025 | The bill establishes the San Diego Electric Bicycle Safety Program and authorizes a local authority within the County of San Diego, or the County of San Diego in unincorporated areas, to enact an ordinance or resolution prohibiting a person under 12 years of age from operating a class 1 or 2 electric bicycle. |
Assembly Bill | AB 1778 | Vehicles: electric bicycles | 2025 | The bill authorizes a local authority within the County of Marin, or the County of Marin in unincorporated areas, to enact an ordinance or resolution prohibiting a person under 16 years of age from operating a class 2 electric bicycle or requiring a person operating a class 2 electric bicycle to wear a helmet. |
Assembly Bill | AB 1774 | Vehicles: electric bicycles | 2025 | The bill prohibits modifying an electric bicycle’s speed capability to an extent it no longer meets the definition of an electric bicycle. It also prohibits selling a product or device that can modify the speed capability of an electric bicycle to an extent it no longer meets the definition of an electric bicycle. |
Assembly Bill | AB 1946 | Electric bicycles: safety and training program | 2022 | This bill requires the Department of the California Highway Patrol to develop statewide safety and training programs based on evidence-based practices for users of electric bicycles by September 1, 2023. The program will cover general electric bicycle riding safety, emergency maneuver skills, rules of the road, and laws pertaining to electronic bicycles. The bill requires the safety and training programs to be developed in collaboration with relevant stakeholders and to be posted on the internet website of the department. |
Assembly Bill | AB 1909 | Vehicles: bicycle omnibus bill | 2022 | This bill: 1) allows a motorized bicycle or a class 3 electric bicycle on a bicycle path or trail, bikeway, bicycle lane, equestrian trail, or hiking or recreational trail; 2) allows a bicycle to enter an intersection when a pedestrian "WALK" signal is activated; 3) requires a driver that is passing or overtaking a vehicle to move over to an adjacent lane of traffic before passing or overtaking the bicycle; and 4) prohibit a jurisdiction from requiring any bicycle operated within its jurisdiction to be licensed. Beginning January 1, 2024, the bill allows bicyclists to cross a street when a pedestrian signal is activated instead of waiting for a green light. |
Assembly Bill | AB 1266 | Traffic Control Devices: Bicycles | 2019 | This bill allows bicyclists to travel straight through an intersection, if an official traffic control device indicates that the movement is permitted and requires the Department of Transportation to develop standards to implement these provisions. |
Assembly Bill | AB 1755 | Bicycle Operation | 2018 | This measure subjects bicyclists on a Class I bikeway, a completely separate pathway used exclusively by pedestrians and bicyclists, to all of the rights, responsibilities, requirements, and crash-related Vehicle Code provisions that apply to highway drivers in the event an accident causes injury or death. |
Assembly Bill | AB 3077 | Vehicles: Bicycle Helmets | 2018 | This measure enables police officers to issue a "fix-it" ticket to people under the age of eighteen riding a bicycle, skateboard, or roller blades without a helmet. Individuals issued a fix-it ticket may correct the offense by completing a bicycle safety class and purchasing a helmet that meets safety standards within four months of the citation. California law requires that individuals under eighteen are required to wear a helmet when operating a bicycle, skateboard, scooter, or rollerblades. |
Senate Bill | SB 672 | Traffic Actuated Signals: Motorcycles and Bicycles | 2017 | This measure indefinitely extends the requirement for traffic lights to be able to detect bicycle and motorcycle traffic on the roadway. The measure also provides a provision for local agencies and school districts to be reimbursed by the state for certain costs related to the traffic-actuated signals. |
Assembly Bill | AB 28 | Bicycle Safety: Rear Lights | 2015 | This measure authorizes bicycles to have a solid or flashing red light with a built-in rear reflector in place of the required red reflector. |
Assembly Bill | AB 1193 | Bikeways | 2014 | This measure updates the existing design criteria for the development and operation of bikeways to include Class IV bikeways or separated cycle tracks. |
Assembly Bill | AB 1371 | Three Feet for Safety Act | 2014 | This measure requires that drivers of a motor vehicle maintain a minimum three-foot butter when passing a person biking. |
Assembly Bill | AB 819 | Bikeways | 2012 | This measure mandates that Caltrans establish minimum safety design criteria and uniform standards for the development and operation of bikeways on California roads. The measure also authorizes cities, counties, and local agencies to establish bikeways. |
Assembly Bill | AB 2294 | Pedicabs: Licensing | 2010 | This measure amends the California Vehicle Code to grant authority to local agencies to regulate pedicab operators by authorizing local legislation to require that pedicab driver: 1) possess a valid driver's license, 2) complete a bicycle safety training course, and/or 3) possess a valid California identification card with proof of safety course completion. |
Complete Streets
Type | Number | Title + Link | Year | Description |
Senate Bill | SB 960 | Transportation: planning: complete streets facilities: transit priority facilities | 2024 | This bill requires Caltrans to include complete streets assets in its asset management plan, system highway management plan, and in the plain language performance report for the state highway operation and protection program (SHOPP). The bill also requires Caltrans to develop and adopt transit priority policy and guidelines, as well as to commit to specific 4-year targets to incorporate complete streets facilities in the SHOPP. |
Assembly Bill | AB 773 | Street Closures and Designations | 2021 | This bill authorizes a local authority to adopt a rule or regulation by ordinance to implement a slow streets program, which may include closures to vehicular traffic or through vehicular traffic of neighborhood local streets with connections to citywide bicycle networks, destinations that are within walking distance, or green space. The bill also requires the local authority to meet specified conditions to implement a slow street, including a determination that closure or traffic restriction is necessary for the safety and protection of persons using the closed or restricted portion of the street, conducting an outreach and engagement process, and clearly designating the closure or traffic restriction with specific signage. |
Assembly Bill | AB 43 | Traffic Safety | 2021 | This bill authorizes local authorities to consider the safety of vulnerable pedestrian groups; establish a prima facie speed limit of 25 miles per hour on state highways located in any business or residence district and authorizes Caltrans to change the speed limit on any such highway; authorize Caltrans and a local authority to declare a speed limit of 20 or 15 miles per hour on these highways; authorize a lowered speed limit on a section of highway contiguous to a business activity district and would require that certain violations be subject to a warning citation for the first 30 days of implementation; authorize a local authority to further reduce the speed limit and require that certain violations be subject to a warning citation for the first 30 days of implementation; requires Caltrans to accordingly revise the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices; extend the period that a speed limit justified by a traffic and engineering survey conducted more the 7 years ago remains valid for purposes of speed enforcement to 14 years; and exempts a senior zone and business activity district from those provisions. |
Senate Bill | SB 760 | State Highways: Permits: Improvements | 2018 | This measure requires that Caltrans consider the needs of all roadway users, not just people in cars, when maintaining and rehabilitating state highway projects, many of which cut through local cities and towns. The bill amends the Streets and Highways code to loosen permit restrictions for property developers that want to improve local traffic access on highway roads adjacent to their property. |
Government Code | CGC 65080 | Transportation Planning and Programming | 2018 | This measure states that each transportation planning agency designated under Section 29532 or 29532.1 shall prepare and adopt a regional transportation plan directed at achieving a coordinated and balanced regional transportation system, including, but not limited to, mass transportation, highway, railroad, maritime, bicycle, pedestrian, goods movement, and aviation facilities and services. The plan shall be action-oriented and pragmatic, considering both the short-term and long-term future, and shall present clear, concise policy guidance to local and State officials. The regional transportation plan shall consider factors specified in Section 134 of Title 23 of the United States Code. Each transportation planning agency shall consider and incorporate, as appropriate, the transportation plans of cities, counties, districts, private organizations, and State and Federal agencies. |
Assembly Bill | AB 1358 | California Complete Streets Act | 2008 | This measure requires all city and county General Plan updates to include a policy on Complete Streets as part of the circulation element, embedding the planning, designing, and building of multimodal transportation networks into a larger planning framework. These networks should allow users to effectivel travel by motor vehicle, foot, bicycle or transit to reach key destinations within their community and the larger region. The State Office of Planning and Research issued guidance to cities and counties for implementation. |
Assembly Concurrent Resolution | ACR 211 | Integrating Walking and Biking into Transportation Infrastructure | 2002 | This measure encourages all cities and counties to implement the policies of the California Department of Transportation Deputy Directive 64 and the United States Department of Transportation’s design guidance document on integrating bicycling and walking when building their transportation infrastructure. |
Pedestrian Safety
Type | Number | Title + Link | Year | Description |
Assembly Bill | AB 1904 | Transit buses: yield right-of-way sign | 2025 | The bill authorizes a transit agency to equip a transit bus with a “yield” right-of-way sign on the left rear of the bus. The sign may be a static decal or a flashing light-emitting diode (LED). |
Assembly Bill | AB 213 | Vehicles: stopping, standing, and parking | 2025 | The bill prohibits vehicles from stopping or parking a vehicle within 20 feet of an intersection or crosswalk, or within 15 feet of any crosswalk where a curb extension is present. The law is intended to increase visibility for all road users to see oncoming traffic. The bill took effect on January 1, 2024, but as of January 1, 2025, jurisdictions can now issue citations for daylighting violations. |
Assembly Bill | AB 2264 | Pedestrian crossing signals | 2022 | This bill requires a traffic-actuated signal to be installed and maintained to have a leading pedestrian interval, and to include the installation, activation, and maintenance of an accessible pedestrian signal and detector, upon the first placement or replacement of a state-owned or operated traffic-actuated signal. It also requires any existing state-owned or operated traffic-actuated signal capable of being implemented with remote installation or in-person programming to be programmed with a leading pedestrian interval when maintenance work is done. |
Assembly Bill | AB 2147 | Pedestrians | 2022 | Known as the Freedom to Walk Bill, the bill prohibits a peace officer from stopping a pedestrian for specified traffic infractions unless a reasonably careful person would realize there is an immediate danger of collision with a moving vehicle or other device moving exclusively by human power. |
Assembly Bill | AB 390 | Pedestrian Crossing Signals | 2017 | This measure allows people walking or using a wheelchair to proceed crossing the street when prompted by a "DON'T WALK', "WAIT", or "Upraised Hand" symbol with a countdown as long at the pedestrian finishes crossing before the countdown is over. |
Senate Concurrent Resolution | SCR 148 | Crosswalk Safety Awareness Month | 2016 | This measure designates October as Crosswalk Safety Awareness Month. |
Senate Resolution | SR 87 | Relative to California Safety Awareness Month | 2016 | This measure designates September as California Pedestrian Safety Month. |
Safe Routes to School
Type | Number | Title + Link | Year | Description |
Assembly Bill | AB 516 | Safe Routes to School | 2012 | This measure amends the Safe Routes to School program by revising the process for evaluating project applications to mandate the use of a specified public participation process that must identify community priorities, ensure those priorities are reflected in the proposal, and secure support for the proposal by relevant community stakeholders. The bill also added the benefit of a proposal to a low-income school as a factor in the selection process. A low-income school is defined as a school where at least 75 percent of students are eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch Program. |
Assembly Bill | AB 321 | 15 MPH School Speed Limit | 2008 | This measure reduces traffic speeds in school zones. This law enables local government to extend school zones to 1000 feet and reduce the speed limit within 500 feet of a school site to 15 mile per hour at schools location in residential areas or on highways with a speed limit of 30 mile per hour or less. |
Assembly Bill | AB 57 | Highways: Federal Funds: Safe Routes to School | 2007 | This measure indefinitely extends the authority of Caltrans to administrer the Safe Routes to School funding program. The bill states that federal safety funds are equally allocated to state highways, local roads, and the Safe Routes to School (SR2S) program. |
Assembly Bill | AB 1475 | Highways: Safe Routes to School Construction Program | 1999 | This measure invests $115,000 over five years in pedestrian and bicycle safety improvement projects near California schools, creating the nation's first statewide Safe Routes to School Program. |
Micromobility Safety
Type | Number | Title + Link | Year | Description |
Assembly Bill | AB 371 | Shared mobility devices: insurance and tracking | 2022 | This bill requires a shared mobility service provider to affix to each shared mobility device a tactile sign containing raised characters and accompanying Braille to identify the device for the purpose of reporting illegal or negligent activity, and require the shared mobility service provider to maintain commercial general liability insurance with a carrier doing business in California. |
Assembly Bill | AB 1286 | Shared Mobility Devices: Agreements | 2020 | This bill would require a shared mobility service provider, as defined, to enter into an agreement with, or obtain a permit from, the city or county with jurisdiction over the area of use. The bill would require that the provider maintain a specified amount of commercial general liability insurance in a user agreement before distributing a shared mobility device (defined as an electrically motorized board, motorized scooter, electric bicycle, bicycle, or other similar personal transportation device) within that jurisdiction. |
Assembly Bill | AB 2989 | Motorized Scooter: Use of Helmet: Maximum Speed | 2018 | This measure creates a 15 miles per hour speed limit for electric motorized scooters on roadways and requires that users under 18 years old wear a helmet while operating a motorized scooter. The measure also authorizes local agencies to permit motorized scooter use outside of Class II and Class IV bikeways on roads with a speed limit up to 35 miles per hour. |
Transportation Funding
Type | Number | Title + Link | Year | Description |
Senate Bill | SB 339 | Vehicles: Road Usage Charge Pilot Program | 2021 | Existing law requires the Chair of the California Transportation Commission to create a Road Usage Charge (RUC) Technical Advisory Committee in consultation with the Secretary of Transportation to guide the development and evaluation of a pilot program to assess the potential for mileage-based revenue collection as an alternative to the gas tax system. Existing law repeals these provisions on January 1, 2023. This bill extends the operation of these provisions until January 1, 2027. The bill requires that participants in the program be charged a mileage-based fee, as specified, and receive a credit or a refund for fuel taxes or electric vehicle fees, as specified. The bill also requires that the pilot program not affect funding levels for a program or purpose supported by state fuel tax and electric vehicle fee revenues. |
Senate Bill | SB 351 | Climate Change: Transformative Climate Communities Program | 2019 | This bill requires the council to consider applications for projects undertaken in unincorporated areas of a county within the Transformative Climate Communities Program. The program awards competitive grants to specified eligible entities for the development and implementation of neighborhood-level transformative climate community plans that include greenhouse gas emissions reduction projects that provide local economic, environmental, and health benefits to disadvantaged communities, as defined. |
Assembly Bill | AB 1237 | Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: Guidelines | 2019 | This bill requires an agency that receives an appropriation from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to post on the internet website of the agency’s program from which moneys from the fund are being allocated, the guidelines for how moneys from the fund are allocated for competitive financing programs. |
Senate Bill | SB 1 | Transportation Funding | 2017 | This measure allocates $5.2 billion dollars annually to implement California's transportation network, with $1.5 billion allocated to streets and roads in the state highway system and cities and counties and $750 million of the city share distributed to cities statewide on a per capita (population) basis. |
Senate Bill | SB 99 | Active Transportation Program | 2014 | This measure establishes the Active Transportation Program (ATP) to consolidate existing federal and state transportation programs into a single program that funds infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects encouraging increased use of active modes of transportation. |
Senate Bill | SB 1183 | Vehicle Registration Fees. Surcharge for Bicycle Infrastructure | 2014 | This measure allows a city, county, or regional park district to impose an additional tax of no more than $5 to vehicle registrations. The special tax is subject to two-thirds voter approval. Revenues from the surcharge would be administered by the Department of Transportation and remitted to local agencies. Available funds can go to infrastructure improvement projects including maintaining and rehabilitating paved and natural natrual surface trails and bikeways. |
Senate Bill | SB 83 | Traffic Congestion: Motor Vehicle Registration Fees | 2009 | This measure authorizes a countywide transportation planning agency to place a local measure on the ballot to impose a $10 fee on vehicle registrations in that county to fund programs to mitigate congestion and motor vehicle induced pollution, including bicycle and pedestrian improvements. |
Transportation and Land Use
Type | Number | Title + Link | Year | Description |
Assembly Bill | AB 2863 | Green building standards: bicycle parking | 2022 | This bill would require the Department of Housing and Community Development, upon the next triennial update of the California Green Building Standards Code that occurs on or after January 1, 2023, to research and develop mandatory building standards for short-term and long-term bicycle parking in multifamily residential buildings, hotels, and motels. |
Senate Bill | SB 922 | California Environmental Quality Act: exemptions: transportation-related projects | 2022 | This bill would removes the requirement that the bicycle transportation plan is for an urbanized area in order to qualify for a CEQA exemption. The bill also extends the exemption to active transportation or pedestrian plans. |
Assembly Bill | AB 2097 | Residential, commercial, or other development types: parking requirements | 2022 | This bill prohibits a public agency from imposing any minimum automobile parking requirement on any residential, commercial, or other development project, that is located within 1/2 mile of public transit. |
Senate Bill | SB 932 | General plans: circulation element: bicycle and pedestrian plans and traffic calming plans | 2022 | This bill, also known as the Plan for the Future Bill, emphasizes the intent of the Legislature to support and encourage communities in reaching environmental and climate change objectives through their general plans, which require general must include active transportation in their circulation elements and incorporate the principles of the Federal Highway Administration’s Safe System Approach. Counties and cities must begin implementation of the plan within 2 years of the date of adoption of the plan. |
Assembly Bill | AB 185 | California Transportation Commission: Transportation and Transportation-Related Policies: Joint Meetings | 2019 | This bill requires the California Transportation Commission, the state board, and a representative from the Department of Housing and Community Development to hold joint meetings to coordinate their implementation of policies that jointly affect transportation, housing, and air quality. Pre-existing law required the commission and the State Air Resources Board to hold at least 2 joint meetings per calendar year to coordinate their implementation of transportation policies. |
Senate Bill | SB 400 | Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Emissions: Mobility Options | 2019 | This bill provides that “mobility option” also includes bike sharing and electric bicycles under the Clean Cars 4 All Program, which is administered by the State Air Resources Board to focus on achieving reductions in the emissions of greenhouse gases, improvements in air quality, and benefits to low-income state residents through the replacement of high-polluter motor vehicles with cleaner and more efficient motor vehicles or a mobility option.. |
Assembly Bill | AB 1560 | California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA): Transportation: Major Transit Stop | 2019 | This bill revised the definition of “major transit stop” to include a bus rapid transit station, as defined in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). |
Assembly Bill | AB 285 | California Transportation Plan | 2019 | This bill requires the Department of Transportation to address in the California Transportation Plan how the state will achieve maximum feasible emissions reductions in order to attain a statewide reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of 40% below 1990 levels by the end of 2030 and how the plan is consistent with, and supports attaining, all state ambient air quality standards and national ambient air quality standards in all areas of the state as described in California’s state implementation plans required by the federal Clean Air Act. Starting in 2025, the department is required to include a forecast of the impacts of advanced and emerging technologies over a 20-year horizon on infrastructure, access, and transportation systems and a review of the progress made implementing past California Transportation Plans. The bill also requires the Strategic Growth Council to complete a report by January 31, 2022, that contains certain information with regard to the California Transportation Plan and other specified programs and planning requirements. Finally, the bill adds environmental justice to the subject areas that the plan is required to consider for the movement of people and freight. |
Assembly Bill | AB 1628 | Environmental Justice | 2019 | This bill revises the definition of “environmental justice” to also include the meaningful involvement of people of all races, cultures, incomes, and national origins with respect to those same actions, and provides that “environmental justice” includes, among other things, the availability of a healthy environment for all people. |
Assembly Bill | AB 288 | California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA): exemptions: transportation-related projects | 2019 |
This bill further exempts from the requirements of CEQA certain projects, including projects for the institution or increase of new bus rapid transit, bus, or light rail services on public rail or highway rights-of-way, as specified, whether or not the right-of-way is in use for public mass transit, as specified, and projects for the designation and conversion of general purpose lanes, high-occupancy toll lanes, high-occupancy vehicle lanes, or highway shoulders, as specified. The bill additionally exempts transit prioritization projects, projects that improve customer information and wayfinding for transit riders, bicyclists, or pedestrians, projects by a public transit agency to construct or maintain infrastructure to charge or refuel zero-emission transit buses, projects carried out by a city or county to reduce minimum parking requirements, and projects for pedestrian and bicycle facilities. This bill also extends the bicycle transportation plan exemption until January 1, 2030.
Assembly Bill | AB 1218 | California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Exemption: Bicycle Plans | 2017 | This measure extends the CEQA exemption for bicycle transportation plans and bicycle lane restriping projects in urbanized areas from January 1, 2018 to January 1, 2021. This measure sunsets on January 1, 2021. |
Assembly Bill | AB 417 | Environmental Quality: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA): Bicycle Transportation Plan | 2013 | This measure establishes a CEQA exemption until January 1, 2018 for a bicycle transportation plan in urban areas for restriping of streets and highway, bike storage and parking, signal timing, and bike transportation signage. |
Assembly Bill | AB 2245 | Environmental Quality: California Environmental Quality ACt: Exemption: Bikeways | 2012 | This measure exempts Class II bikeway projects from environmental review until January 1, 2018, simplifying the process of adding bike lanes to existing roadways. A Class II bikeway is defined striped bicycle lane on a shared road with motorized vehicles. |
Senate Bill | AB 375 | The Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act | 2008 | This measure aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by providing financial and environmental review incentives to reduce sprawl and promote development patterns that give people transportation options so they can drive less. |