Changes to California Active Transportation Laws in 2019

Photo of cyclist wearing orange helmet on a bicycle.
February 5, 2019

A new group of California laws took effect January 1, 2019 related to roadway safety for bicycle and pedestrian travel. 

In short, the new laws update rules for motorized scooters, amend guidelines for helmet use, extend hit-and-run law provisions to people using a Class I bikeway, and enable roadway users to accurately reflect their gender identity on state-issued documents.

Stay informed of California’s new traffic safety laws:

MOTORIZED SCOOTERS (AB 2989): Assembly Bill 2989 revises rules for operating a motorized scooter in California. Under AB 2989, people over 18 years-old are no longer required to wear a helmet while operating a motorized scooter. Under the new law, motorized scooters are also prohibited on highways with speeds greater than 25 mph, or roads with a speed limit of up to 35 miles per hour, unless traveling within a Class IV separated cycle track or Class II bike lane. 

HELMETS (AB 3077): Under Assembly Bill 3077, people under 18 years-old cited for not wearing a helmet while operating, or riding as a passenger on, a bicycle, skateboard, non-motorized scooter, or wearing roller blades will now be offered a “fix-it” ticket. A “fix-it” ticket enables minors cited for not wearing a helmet to correct the violation by completing a local bicycle safety course within 120 days of the citation.

HIT-AND-RUN ON BIKE PATH (AB 1755): A person operating a bicycle on a Class 1 bikeway is now subjected to all the collision-related California Vehicle Code provisions that apply to a driver on a roadway during a hit-and-run. Under the new law, a person involved in a collision while riding a bicycle on a path with completely separated right of way for pedestrians and bicycles is required by law to remain at the scene and exchange information with parties involved.

GENDER ID (SB 179): State Bill 179 allows California residents to designate a non-binary gender marker on state-issued drivers’ licenses, state identification cards, and birth certificates. 

For more information on California regulations impacting active transportation, check out CATSIP’s California Legislation page.

Source: California Highway Safety Patrol