The City of San José is updating their bike master plan to improve bikeway connections for Santa Clara County residents. Changes in land use and transportation have enabled opportunities in San José to develop a multi-modal transportation network that accommodates a wide range of users of all ages and abilities.
Better Bike Plan 2025 seeks to create a safe, comfortable, and convenient bicycle network that eliminates bicycle fatalities and injuries, enriches the lives of the City’s diverse residents who work, live, and play in the region, and is attractive enough to encourage an increase in overall bike trips by 2040. The plan complements the City’s long-term General Plan, Envision San José 2040.
Recommendations in the new plan are beginning to take shape and the City is currently seeking community input on its planned projects and programs. If you are a South Bay resident and live, work, or play in San José, this is a great opportunity to provide input on the draft project recommendations.
Visit the interactive map on the project website for more information about proposed projects, provide input on each facility recommendation, and directly comment on specific roadways and intersections.