Pedestrian Safety Month is celebrated each September in California and the event is spearheaded by the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS).
Each year, OTS and its partners raise awareness about the safety risks pedestrians face on the road and the roles each road user can take to ensure those walking can do so safely and comfortably. Based on data projections from the Governors Highway Safety Association, 7,508 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes in the U.S. in 2022, the highest number since 1981. In California, pedestrian deaths account for more than 25% of all traffic deaths. These losses of life are unacceptable and preventable.
This year, OTS reminds us that safety is sharing and safety is caring. Every step counts when it comes to protecting everyone on our roads. Here are some tips on how you can help keep your community safe:
Safety Tips for People Driving 
Follow the speed limit.
Slow down at intersections.
Give pedestrians a brake at crosswalks and unmarked corners.
Safety Tips for People Walking
Be predictable. Use crosswalks when available.
Be aware of approaching vehicles and practice due care.
Be visible. Make it easier for drivers to see you. Be extra careful crossing at night when it is harder to see or when crossing busier streets with more lanes and higher speed limits.
Pedestrian Safety Resources
Explore our sampling of resources on CATSIP and from traffic safety partners and advocacy organizations throughout the state and beyond!
Guides and Toolkits: Explore this selection of resources on pedestrian and bicycle facilities, community outreach, and Safe Routes to School from both agencies and community organizations which were developed to promote active transportation safety.
Equitable Transportation: This selection of resources focus on how planners, community members, and others alike can create more equitable, walkable, and bikeable communities for people of all ages and abilities.
California Office of Traffic Safety: Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety, Go Safely CA
Explore our Advocacy Groups Inventory for organizations throughout the state working to make communities safer for walking.
NHTSA: Pedestrian Safety and National Pedestrian Safety Month 2023 Resource Guide