Bicycle and Pedestrian Retrofits

Funding and Programming Opportunities

What is the Funding and Programming Opportunities page and how do I navigate it?

The updated and refreshed Funding and Programming Opportunities page features funding and programmatic resources for transportation safety professionals, planners, advocates, community members, and others alike who want to create more equitable, walkable, and bikeable communities. Resources are organized into five topic areas:

Regional Opportunities; Statewide Opportunities; Federal Opportunities; ...

New Resource: Rethinking Streets During COVID-19

March 8, 2021

Rethinking Streets

Rethinking Streets During COVID-19

Although re-allocating space on streets to accomodate new uses is nothing new, the COVID-19 era has made some significant changes in the process. As noted in a new resource, "Rethinking Streets During COVID-19: An Evidence-Based Guide to 25 Quick Redesigns for Physical Distancing, Public Use, and...

Grand Boulevard Initiative: Revitalizing the El Camino Real Corridor

May 5, 2015
Grand Boulevard Initiative is a collaboration of 19 cities, counties, local and regional agencies dedicated to the revitalization of the El Camino Real Corridor. The Task Force facilitates planning for revitalizing 43 miles of El Camino Real and its surrounding communities. This effort to improve the El Camino Real Corridor includes leading businesses, non-profit agencies, neighborhoods and community advocates.

New NACTO Design Guide: Don’t Give Up at the Intersection

June 17, 2019

Last month, the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) released a new design guide summarizing best practices to enhance safety at intersections, “Don’t Give Up at the Intersection: Designing All Ages and Abilities Bicycle Crossings.” Since NACTO released its innovative Urban Bikeway Design Guide in 2011, North American cities have expanded protected bikeway...

Register Today: Introduction to Bicycle Transportation Planning and Design

March 13, 2019

The Active Transportation Resource Center (ATRC), along with Caltrans, is hosting two trainings next month intended to guide practitioners in the planning and design of bicycle routes along roadways in California. These free, day-long introductory courses are designed for architects, planners, engineers from local, regional and state agencies to “explore the tools used to assess and evaluate the suitability of a transportation route and facilitate its use by all types of cyclists.” Larry Moore, a retired Caltrans engineer, will teach both courses....

Oakland Releases Roadway Design Options for Telegraph Avenue Complete Streets

April 24, 2014
This document released in April 2014 by the City of Oakland is a comprehensive, detailed look at a proposed Complete Streets implementation for a large section of Telegraph Avenue. It reflects a deeply detailed knowledge of the street, and seeks to address the needs of transit riders...