Complete Streets

Funding and Programming Opportunities

What is the Funding and Programming Opportunities page and how do I navigate it?

The updated and refreshed Funding and Programming Opportunities page features funding and programmatic resources for transportation safety professionals, planners, advocates, community members, and others alike who want to create more equitable, walkable, and bikeable communities. Resources are organized into five topic areas:

Regional Opportunities; Statewide Opportunities; Federal Opportunities; ...

Unhoused Traffic Fatalities in San José: Vision Zero Program Manager, Jesse Mintz-Roth

For this installment of Stories from You, we're excited to feature a story from Jesse Mintz-Roth, Vision Zero Program Manager at San José's Department of Transportation (SJ DOT). SJ DOT noticed an increase in unhoused people dying as pedestrians in traffic fatalities, leading to an in-depth data analysis project of...

Virtual Community Engagement During COVID-19: Caltrans, District 2 and the Karuk Tribe

For this installment of Stories from You, we're excited to feature a story from Tamy Quigley, a Senior Transportation Planner with Caltrans and the supervisor for the Office of Complete Streets and Livable Communities in District 2. Having worked her whole career in District 2, Tamy has a true sense of where complete streets needs are and who needs to be served the most. Tamy has made it her personal mission to build and maintain connections and partnerships with each community and makes sure she understands the multimodal needs in the district....

Prioritizing Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety: Complete Streets & Walking School Bus in Claremont, CA

For this installment of Stories from You, we're excited to feature a story from Maria Tipping, a City Engineer with the City of Claremont, California. In this story, Maria highlights how the City addressed community concerns to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety adjacent to school sites on Mountain Avenue through a new approach to evaluating complete streets options, piloting a Walking School Bus program in partnership with parents, school staff and almost 40 students at Condit Elementary School, and prioritizing funding for future safety improvement projects. She...

Safety Story with Paul Van Dyk

For this installment of Stories from the Field, Berkeley SafeTREC’s Lisa Peterson chatted with Paul Van Dyk, City Traffic Engineer with the City of Long Beach. In this installment, Van Dyk discusses the value of building both an internal and external safety culture, providing tools for practitioners, and ensuring that not only the infrastructure we build but also the programs we offer are accessible and available. Read the Safety Story below!

Lisa: Could share a little bit about your background and what your current role is?

Paul Van Dyk:...

Safety Story with Jason Kligier

For this installment of Stories from the Field, Berkeley SafeTREC’s Lisa Peterson chatted with Jason Kligier, Mobility Manager with the City of Santa Monica. In this installment, Kligier discusses the development of the 2022 Local Roadway Safety Plan, implementing pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements as part of achieving the city's Vision Zero goals, and the importance of data analysis, community engagement, and outreach. Read the Safety Story below!

Can you share with me about your current role with the City of Santa Monica?

I am the Mobility Manager for...

Safety Story with Nicolay Kreidler

For this installment of Stories from the Field, Berkeley SafeTREC’s Kristen Leckie chatted with Nicolay Kreidler, Communications Director at the California Bicycle Coalition. In this edition, Kreidler talks to us about the Coalition’s innovative Quick-Build Guide and its impact since its publication in 2020. Read his Safety Story below!

What is your current role?


Safety Story with Santa Barbara County Association of Governments

For this installment of Stories from the Field, Berkeley SafeTREC’s Kristen Leckie chatted with Santa Barbara County Association of Governments. In this edition, Kent Epperson and Peter Williamson from the Traffic Solutions division, and Lauren Bianchi Klemann from Government Affairs & Public Information talk to us about their recent electric bike safety event, the first one ever held in Santa...

Stories From the Field with Warren Logan: Complete Streets, Equity and COVID-19

In the Spring of 2020, Charles T. Brown, Founder and Managing Principal of Equitable Cities LLC, sat down for a series of virtual interviews with Esther Rivera, the Deputy Director of California Walks; Warren Logan, Policy Director of Mobility and Inter Agency Relations at the City of Oakland Mayor’s Office; and Tracy McMillan, Senior Associate at Nelson\Nygaard. Brown led conversations with each transportation professional about complete streets, equity, and COVID-19. The video "What makes a street complete?" highlights each...