We are excited to once again host our virtual three-part Peer Exchange Series in 2024! The series supports communities as they work to implement pedestrian and bicycle transportation safety programming and improvements.
Join the 27th annual celebration of #WalkRollToSchoolDay all week long!
October is National Pedestrian Safety Month, and throughout the month, communities across the U.S. will be celebrating and holding events to support safe walking, biking, and rolling to school. October 4th is International Walk and Roll to School Day, and many schools and organizations across California will be holding activities to encourage safer routes to school that day and all week long. 264...
Join us as we gear up for National Bike Month the entire month of May! Whether you’re a regular bike commuter or you need to dust off your bike before rolling, we’re highlighting several...
Everyone deserves to live in an equitable, safe, healthy, and just community and pedestrian safety is a major component to creating this reality. This week there are several opportunities to celebrate and center the importance of having safe and convenient places to walk for people of all ages and abilities. See below for more details!
National Walking Day on Wednesday, April 5, 2023...
Explore our round-up of webinars and events coming up highlighting the latest road safety trends and best practices in planning and designing safe spaces for walking, biking, scooting, and rolling! Have an event you'd like us to share? Please...
Each year on the first Wednesday in April, traffic safety professionals and advocates celebrate National Walking Day and the many benefits of walking, and the importance of creating streets that are safe for walking for all people, ages and abilities. Explore our selection of pedestrian safety resources, tools, and ways to get involved to help improve walking in your community!
Bikes: Our Vehicle for Change 22nd Annual National Bike Summit February 28 - March 3, 2021 | Online
Registration is now open for the League of American Bicyclists' 2021 National Bike Summit! This year's theme is "Bikes: Our Vehicle for Change" and the event will be held online. Each day will begin at 1pm ET / 10am PT and provide an offering of keynote presentations,...