
Statewide Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 5 project applications due Sept. 15th!

August 11, 2020
The project application deadline for the Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 5 is September 15, 2020!

This cycle is awarding approximately $440M in Federal funding, State SB1, and State Highway Account funding. The ATP application for the Quick-Build...

Explore new Stories from the Field with Walk San José & Safe Routes Partnership!

April 14, 2020
New Safety Stories highlight how communities are prioritizing action transportation safety

Explore our new installments in the Stories From the Field Series to learn how people on the frontline are improving road safety for people who walk, bike and roll in their communities! In two new Safety Stories, SafeTREC communications manager Lisa Peterson talked with Michelle Lieberman of Safe Routes Partnership and Nikita Sinha of Walk San José. Click on the links below to learn what inspired their work in...

New GHSA Report - Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State: 2019 Preliminary Data

March 2, 2020

According to the latest data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the number of pedestrian fatalities in the U.S. during the 10-yearCover Page of new GHSA report period from 2009 to 2018 has increased by 53% (from 4,109 deaths in 2009 to 6,283 deaths in 2018). At the same time, while walking has become riskier, the number of all other traffic fatalities has increased by only 2%. A new report...

Register for an upcoming Community Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Training in March!

February 28, 2020

Register now for an upcoming Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) this month in a community near you to identify priorities to make walking and biking safer for everyone - including seniors, students, parents, and people with disabilities! These workshops, hosted by UC Berkeley SafeTREC and California Walks, train neighborhood residents and health, transportation and safety advocates on how to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety to make California communities safer and more pleasant to walk...

Save the Date for an upcoming 2021 Active Transportation Program Workshop!

February 3, 2020

Mark your calendars for an upcoming 2021 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Workshop! The California Transportation Commission (CTC) is hosting a series of workshops throughout the state to provide more information on the ATP Cycle 5 grant application process, procedures and key deadlines. Workshops are available to attend in person or by teleconference. City and tribal governments, local agencies, and the public are encouraged to attend.

Upcoming 2021 ATP Workshops


Join Caltrans District 4 on November 13th to share your input for the Pedestrian Plan!

November 12, 2019
Share your feedback and help improve pedestrian safety throughout Caltrans District 4!

In-person survey using Street Story in Downtown Oakland

In-person survey using Street Story in Downtown Oakland (Photo: Caltrans District 4)

Caltrans District 4 wants your input! The D4 team is in the process of identifying and...

Save the Date: Caltrans North Region Active Transportation Non-Infrastructure Workshops, Dec. 11, 2019

November 5, 2019

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 11, 2019 to learn about Non-Infrastructure (NI) funding that is available through the Active Transportation Program (ATP)! Caltrans will be hosting workshops highlighting examples of successful NI programs in the North Region, and provide information on the upcoming call for applications for the...

Funding Opportunity: Safe Routes to Parks Grants and Technical Assistance

October 22, 2019
Save the Date! Applications Open November 4, 2019 for Safe Routes to Parks Activating Communities

Many communities are working hard to make routes to local parks and green spaces easier and safer for walking and bicycling. And as the Safe Routes Partnership notes, it's often the case that the communities that could benefit from these Safe Routes to Parks the most also have high levels of traffic injuries and fatalities coupled with low levels of safe access to these...

Upcoming: October 2nd is Walk to School Day

September 18, 2019

Get ready to get moving! Students, parents, school and local officials, and public health and transportation representatives in communities across the U.S. will be celebrating National Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 2, 2019.

Why Walking and Biking Safety Matters

Walking for transportation is an excellent way to increase physical activity for kids and adults and foster healthy, livable communities. Walk to School Day raises awareness about the importance of walking and biking safety around schools and provides an...


This section covers the California legislation and vehicle codes related to improving roadway safety for people that walk, bike, or roll for transportation.