
Berkeley Pedestrian Master Plan: We need your feedback!

July 19, 2018

City of Berkeley

The City of Berkeley is currently working on a new Pedestrian Master Plan. What is a master plan? A master plan is a comprehensive report about a particular issue that is based on data collected through needs assessments, surveys and feedback.

The Department of Public Works is in...

July is Park and Recreation Month!

July 1, 2018

Parks and Rec Month

What comes to mind when you hear "Parks and Rec?"

Some immediately think of National Parks, local playgrounds, recreational centers and summer camps. Some think of the hit NBC TV series, Parks and Recreation. But, parks and recreation is so much more than that. The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) is...

CicLAvia The Valley on Sunday, June 24

June 18, 2018

CicLAvia Logo

CicLAvia is a non-profit organization that aims to produce vibrant public spaces by encouraging active transportation and good health through car-free streets. Over 1 million people attended CicLAvia events. CicLAvia has been involved in local and regional transportation planning related to active transportation.

CicLAvia will be hosting their...

Caltrans Wants Your Feedback for SB 1 Transportation Planning Grants

June 5, 2018

CaltransSenate Bill 1

In preparation for the upcoming fiscal year 2019-2020, Caltrans is facilitating workshops to gather public and stakeholder input in drafting and developing the...

Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 4 Workshop/Webinar on May 21

May 9, 2018

Are you interested in submitting an application for Cycle 4 of the 2019 Active Transportation Program (ATP)? Join the Active Transportation Resource Center (ATRC) on Monday, May 21, 2018 for a technical assistance workshop/webinar that will provide an overview of key program changes, and a technical demonstration of the ATP application. Download the flyer for event date, time, and location details!


PBIC 4/10 Webinar: Tools to Inventory Pedestrian Crossing Infrastructure

April 9, 2018

The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) will be hosting a free webinar on Tuesday, April 10 to discuss steps to take to prioritize safety improvements at crosswalk

WEBINAR INFORMATIONPedestrian Crosswalk in Los Angeles
TITLE: Tools to Inventory Pedestrian Crossing Infrastructure
DATE/TIME: Tuesday,...

New GHSA Report - Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State: 2017 Preliminary Data

March 16, 2018

From 2007 to 2016, pedestrian fatalities increased 27%, while all other traffic deaths decreased by 14%. Pedestrian deaths are also accounting for a largerPedestrian Fatalities Graphic Shows Increase proportion of traffic fatalities then they have in the past 33 years. A new report released by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), "Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by...

CicLAvia Heart of the Foothills: April 22, 2018

February 21, 2018

Save the date for the first CicLAvia of 2018 on Sunday, April 22! It will be on a brand new route - the Heart of the Foothills - and will connect the city of San Dimas, the city of La Verne, the city of Pomona, and the city of Claremont.

CicLAvia 2012 Street Scene

Photo courtesy of...

New Toolkit for Planning and Conducting a Walk Audit: Let's Go For A Walk

February 16, 2018

A walkable community - one where residents can safely walk to where they live, work or play - provides many benefits. And a walk audit is a very helpful tool forYouth doing a walk audit residents to get to know just how safe and walkable their streets are.

The Safe Routes to School National Partnership has just released a new toolkit that...

San Mateo County Wants Your Input on Critical Transportation Priorities

February 14, 2018

As part of their Get Us Moving (GUM) program, the San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans) wants to find out what residents think should be transportationGet Us Moving Campaign spending priorities. This includes priority options that promote safe walking and biking, such as improving bicycle and pedestrian access to promote healthy lifestyles;...