What is Caltrans?
Caltrans is the California Department of Transportation and is responsible for providing a safe, sustainable, efficient and integrated transportation system that meets the needs of all roadway users in California.
One of Caltrans' primary goals is to promote health through safe active transportation and reduced air pollution. Explore the policy documents listed below to better understand Caltrans guiding principles for making streets safer for people walking and rolling. Do you know of a Caltrans policy promoting safe active travel not listed here? Please e-mail us at safetrec@berkeley.edu.
Caltrans Policy Documents
Snapshot |
Type |
Number |
Title |
Year/ Updated |
Description |
Design Information Bulletin | DIB-94 | Complete Streets: Contextual Design Guidance | 2024 | On January 16, 2024 Caltrans released Design Information Bulletin 94 that identifies best practice and establishes standards for development of Complete Streets facilities to support the design of comfortable and convenient streetscapes by utilizing space-efficient forms of mobility such as people walking, biking, rolling, or accessing transit. | |
Plan | N/A | California Highway Safety Improvement Program Implementation Plan | 2023 | In 2023, Caltrans released their Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Implementation Plan which describes the actions that the State of California will implement in 2024 to meet or make significant progress towards the State’s safety performance targets. | |
Plan | N/A | Road Safety Action Plan 2023-2024 | 2022 | In 2022, Caltrans released the Road Safety Action Plan 2023-2024, a coordinated effort led by the Division of Safety Programs, in partnership with Caltrans districts and other Headquarters divisions. The purpose of the Road Safety Action Plan is to support Caltrans' goal of eliminating fatal and serious injury crashes on our roadways by 2050. To achieve this goal, Caltrans has adopted the Safe System Approach as declared in the new Director's Policy on Road Safety (DP-36). | |
Plan |
N/A |
2022 |
In July, 2022 Caltrans released the Complete Streets Action Plan (CSAP), a coordinated effort led by the Director’s Office of Sustainability, in partnership with Caltrans Headquarters (HQ) Divisions and Districts. The purpose of the CASP is to identify key high-priority efforts needed to implement the new Director’s Policy for Complete Streets (DP-37) over the next two years. |
Plan |
N/A |
California Safe Roads: 2020-2024 Strategic Highway Safety Plan |
2022 |
In May, 2022 Caltrans released the 2020-2024 California Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), which has been developed using the data findings and input from regional outreach events to determine effective strategies to reduce roadway fatalities and serious injuries. Learn more on the Caltrans website. |
Plan |
N/A |
2022 |
In February, 2022 the Caltrans Office of Race & Equity released an update to the 2019 Race and Equity Action Plan (REAP), which is a living document that aligns with Caltrans Strategic Plan Goals. Download the REAP 2022. |
Report |
DP-36 |
2022 |
On February 24, 2022 Caltrans unveiled a new Director’s Policy on Road Safety which commits the department to the Safe System approach and reaffirms the vision of reaching zero fatalities and serious injuries on state highways by 2050. |
Memorandum |
N/A |
2022 |
On January 28, 2022 Caltrans released a memorandum discussing the traffic calming techniques that exist in Caltrans guidance that can be used with the intent to slow speeding vehicles. |
Director's Policy |
DP-37 |
2021 |
On December 20, 2021 Caltrans announced its new policy for all new transportation projects it funds or oversees to include “complete street” features that provide safe and accessible options for people walking, biking and taking transit. This policy will expand the availability of sustainable transportation options to help meet the state’s climate, health and equity goals. |
Memorandum |
N/A |
2021 |
On June 30, 2021 Caltrans released a memorandum from the Division of Safety Programs recommending that all California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) personnel officially adopt the terms “crash,” “collision,” and “incident” in lieu of the term “accident” when discussing traffic crashes. |
Manual |
N/A |
2020 |
In February 2020, the revised California Manual for Setting Speed Limits was released. The specific purpose of this manual is to set forth a uniform procedure for setting speed limits in California. This manual provides information on applying various sections of the California Vehicle Code (CVC), determining the need for an Engineering and Traffic Survey (E&TS), describes the elements and data needed for the E&TS, determining the appropriate speed limit for any California street or highway, and includes procedures for documenting the final outcome with the court system and law enforcement agencies. Learn more about setting speed limits on the Caltrans website. |
Plan |
N/A |
2020 |
To help achieve the Caltrans vision of a transportation system that works for all users, the Mode Share Action Plan (MSAP) 2.0 was updated to include a new set of high priority actions for 2020-21, developed to highlight efforts that go above and beyond those that were previously identified to implement active transportation at Caltrans. Visit the Mode Share Action Plan webpage for more details. |
Manual |
N/A |
2019 |
Provides the framework of policies and procedures for developing State highway improvement projects. The manual is continuously updated to reflect changes in policy and procedures. See Chapter 31 for information about Non-motorized Transportation Facilities. |
Design Information Bulletin |
DIB 89-01 |
2018 |
Establishes design guidance and criteria around Class IV Bikeways. Provides enhanced guidance for two-way separated bikeways, added guidance for transit stops, additional guidance for separated bikeways adjacent to street parking, and discussion of maintenance using Caltrans equipment. |
Manual |
N/A |
2018 |
Provides uniform policies and procedures to carry out California highway design functions of Caltrans. See Chapter 100, Topic 105 for design guidelines of pedestrian facilities, including accessibility requirements, guidelines for curb ramps, and pedestrian crossings. See Chapter 1000: Bicycle Transportation Design for design guidelines of Class I (bike paths), Class III (bike routes), and Class II (bike lanes) bikeways. Design guidelines for Class IV bikeways is provided in DIB 89. |
Guide |
N/A |
2018 |
Provides technical guidance for the purpose of translating complex statewide policies into practical Complete Streets roadway element implementation. The guide is continuously updated to reflect changes in policy and design best practices. |
Design Information Bulletin |
DIB 82-06 |
2017 |
Provides guidance to design State highway pedestrian facilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. |
Plan | N/A | Toward an Active California: State Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan | 2017 | Provides a roadmap of Caltrans initiatives and strategies to increase mode share of walking, bicycling, and transit use. It is the first statewide active transportation plan for the State and intended to be applied in conjunction with local and regional policies and actions. | |
Deputy Directive | DD-64-02 | Complete Streets - Integrating the Transportation System | 2017 | Ensures that travelers of all ages and abilities can move safely and efficiently along and across a network of "complete streets". A complete street is defined by Caltrans as a transportation facility that is planned, designed, operated, and maintained to provide safe mobility for all users, including bicyclists, pedestrians, transit riders, and motorists appropriate to the function and context of the facility. | |
Manual | N/A | Caltrans Maintenance Manual | 2014 | Describes the methods and procedures used in the Caltrans maintenance program. Intended for Caltrans employees. | |
Guide | N/A | Main Street, California: A Guide for Improving Community and Transportation Vitality | 2013 | Focuses on state highways (for which Caltrans is responsible) that also happen to be local main streets. This document presents design concepts to make these streets more walkable and livable and to keep them compatible with community values while assuring safe and efficient operations for vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists and highway workers. | |
Memorandum | N/A | Additional Guidelines on Curb Ramp Scoping and Design | 2013 | Provides additional guidelines to achieve the most accessible curb ramp design depending on site and context. The document complements Pedestrian Accessibility Guidelines for Highway Projects, which provides accessible design guidance for roads and sidewalks along State highways. | |
Guide | N/A | Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities in California: A Technical Reference and Technology Transfer Synthesis for Caltrans Planners and Engineers | 2005 | Presents a synthesis of information on active transportation and serves as a resource about policies, laws, programs, the Caltrans planning and design process, guidelines, and best practices in active transportation planning and design. It is intended for Caltrans planners and engineers, but local agency staff and the general public may also find it useful. | |
Report | N/A | California Blueprint for Bicycling and Walking: Report to the Legislature | 2002 | Set goals to increase bicycling and walking trips 50% by 2010, decrease bicycle and pedestrian fatality rates 50% by 2010, and to increase funding for bicycle- and pedestrian-related programs. | |
Memorandum and Plan | N/A | Context Sensitive Solutions Implementation Plan | 2002 | Provides guidance on Caltrans adoption of “Context Sensitive Solutions”, an approach to plan, design, construct, maintain, and operate its transportation system. These solutions use innovative and inclusive approaches that integrate and balance community, aesthetic, historic, and environmental values with transportation safety, maintenance, and performance goals. Context sensitive solutions are reached through a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach involving all stakeholders. |
Additionally, Caltrans offers a variety of programs intended to promote safe, well designed multi-modal facilities.