San Mateo Adopts Sustainable Streets Plan

March 4, 2015

The City of San Mateo recently completed its Sustainable Streets Plan. The city’s vision includes “integrating Complete Streets and Green Streets into street designs that are comfortable and convenient for the breadth of travel choices and that improve water quality and reduce other environmental impacts, while creating more vital places that fit with desired community character.”  San Mateo’s City Council adopted the plan on February 17, 2015.

The Sustainable Streets Plan project spanned over two years (2013-2015) and included numerous opportunities for citizens and the general public to provide suggestions and feedback on deliverables. 

This project built upon existing planning efforts such as the citywide Pedestrian Master Plan and Bicycle Master Plan to ensure that priority networks throughout the city can be implemented, while also ensuring that all streets provide a basic level of access and mobility for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users.

Download the plan, design guidelines, fact sheets, and workshop materials