September 7, 2016
We routinely update our Bicycle Master Plans page and Pedestrian/Bicycle Master Plans page to provide city/county updates.
- The Draft Berkeley Bicycle Plan was released to the public on August 29, 2016. If you'd like to be notified of public meetings, please sign up on their Engage page Have a comment to share? Email
Next Steps and Opportunities for Public Input
- September 29th: Bicycle Subcommittee Meeting, 7 pm, North Berkeley Senior Center (MLK & Hearst) – Public Comment Period Closes
- October 20th: Berkeley Transportation Commission Meeting, 7 pm, North Berkeley Senior Center (MLK & Hearst)
- December 13th: Berkeley City Council Meeting, 7 pm, Berkeley City Council Chambers, Old City Hall (MLK between Center and Allston)
For more information about this plan, please contact: Eric Anderson, City of Berkeley Pedestrian and Bicycle Programs Coordinator, 510-981-7062;
- On July 26, 2016, the town of Corte Madera updated their Bicycle Master Plan, adding Pedestrian framework to the City's Plan. View Corte Madera Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (2016).
- The city released their June 2016 Draft Active Streets Master Plan. Please send your comments and feedback here. For updates, please refer to Garden Grove's Active Streetspage
- The Inyo County LTC approved the environmental document and adopted the Final Plan at their April 20, 2016 meeting in Independence. View the final plan
- The 2016 Draft Bicycle Master Plan is now available. On August 16, 2016, Sacramento City Council passed a resolution approving the Bicycle Master Plan.
If your city or county's Master Plan is missing, please email our Communications Director, Lisa Tran.