For this installment of Stories from the Field, Berkeley SafeTREC’s Lisa Peterson chatted with Jason Kligier, Mobility Manager with the City of Santa Monica. In this installment, Kligier discusses the development of the 2022 Local Roadway Safety Plan, implementing pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements as part of achieving the city's Vision Zero goals, and the importance of data analysis, community engagement, and outreach. Read the Safety Story below!
Can you share with me about your current role with the City of Santa Monica?
What is Equitable Active Transportation? Centering equity is a critical component of ensuring safe and accessible transportation in all communities and for people of all ages, abilities, and incomes, no matter how they travel, whether that is by car, walking, biking, rolling or taking public transportation (California Office of Traffic Safety).
May is National Bike Month, and there are several events you can be a part of! Take a look at some of what's happening across the country and in California. If there are any events you would like for us to add, please submit them here.
Join us as we gear up for National Bike Month the entire month of May! Whether you’re a regular bike commuter or you need to dust off your bike before rolling, we’re highlighting several...
As the Safe System Approach is widely adopted, those planning active transportation projects must prioritize integrating equity. At SafeTREC, we integrate equity into all layers of protection within the Safe System Approach as a way to work towards addressing historical disinvestment and institutional biases. Our Equitable Active Transportation page acts as a hub for resources on how planners, community members, and others alike can create more equitable, walkable, and bikeable communities.
Today's guest post is from Lisa Peterson, Communications Manager for UC Berkeley's Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC). This post was originally posted on December 16, 2022.