2023 Back To School Safety Month Safety Tips & Resources

August 11, 2023

Mayor Jed Leano with a group photo of the parents and students that participated in the Condit Elementary School Walking School Bus

Condit Elementary School Walking School Bus group photo in Claremont, CA (Photo: Mayor Jed Leano)

August is Back to School Safety Month! This year we're sharing resources and safety tips to support the students, parents, caregivers and school administration in your community feel prepared and inspired to safely walk, bike, and roll to school.


California School Crossing Guard Training Program: Administration & Training Guidelines (2022)

School crossing guards are key partners for supporting safe routes to school for students, whether they're walking, biking or rolling. This guidebook from the Active Transportation Resource Center (ATRC) provides guidance on hiring and training crossing guards, a Train-the-Trainer course, and related resources.

Designing Streets for Kids 

The guidebook Designing Streets for Kids from the Global Desiging Cities Initiative (GDCI) provides best practices, strategies, programs and policies from a range of cities across the globe for making communities safer, comfortable and convenient for children and their caregivers. 

Go Safely California Media Toolkits

Visit the Go Safely California website for posters, safety tips, videos, fliers and lesson plans for promoting safe walking, biking, and rolling to school. 

School-Transportation-Related Crashes

In June 2023 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration compiled a School-Transportation-Related Crashes Fact Sheet that reviews key findings from an analysis of crash data from 2012 to 2021.

Safe Routes to School Guides and Toolkits

Explore our Safe Routes to School guides and toolkits for guidance on how to plan and implement Safe Routes to School projects that are safe, accessible and community-oriented.

Safe Routes to School

Visit the Safe Routes to School Resources webpage from Safe Routes Partnership, featuring webinars, fact sheets, reports, toolkits, case studies, model policies and more to make it safe, convenient and fun for children to walk and bike to school.

Youth Safety and Mobility

Visit the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) for resources, case studies, and webinars addressing how to prioritize pedestrian and bicycle safety for youth.

Back to School Safety Tips