Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School

The below guides and toolkits provide guidance on how to plan and implement Safe Routes to School projects that are safe, accessible and community-oriented.

Cover of the "Making Strides: 2024 State Report Cards" report

Making Strides: 2024 State Report Cards (Safe Routes Partnership, 2024)

This report includes the fifth edition of state report cards produced by the Safe Routes Partnership, providing a snapshot of how states are doing in their support of walking, bicycling, rolling, and active kids and communities. This year’s edition of the state report card marks a milestone of almost ten years of tracking progress in tracking state policies and practices to support and advance healthy kids and communities. The report cards allow us to see where states are doing well and where there continue to be opportunities for improvement.

Cover of the Walking, Riding, and Rolling for a New Generation report

Walking, Riding, and Rolling for a New Generation: How to Partner with Youth on Safe Routes Projects (Safe Routes Partnership, 2023)

This guide offers strategies for how Safe Routes practitioners can champion youth-led safety projects like Safe Routes to School and advocacy campaigns. It also spotlights youth-led traffic safety projects from across the country. 

Cover of Safe Routes Partnership's Let’s Get Together: A Guide for Engaging Communities and Creating Change

Let’s Get Together: A Guide for Engaging Communities and Creating Change (Safe Routes Partnership, 2022)

This guide offers tips and strategies for effective community engagemenby looking at how your role as a community partner impacts the community you are working with, how you can build your understanding of the community by conducting community research, and how to leverage partnerships in your community engagement. The Safe Routes Partnership rounds out the guide with creative ideas for engagement activities and strategies for sustaining community engagement long-term. 

Cover of Safe Routes Partnership's Connecting People to Parks: A Toolkit to Increase Safe and Equitable Access to Local Parks and Green Spaces

Connecting People to Parks: A Toolkit to Increase Safe and Equitable Access to Local Parks and Green Spaces (Safe Routes Partnership, 2021)

This toolkit includes step-by-step guidance through the Safe Routes to Parks framework to increase safe and equitable access to parks and green spaces. This toolkit was developed specifically for communities in Oregon, however, people from all over the country and backgrounds can benefit from the tools and guidance herein. It focuses on access to parks via active transportation as well as ensuring a high-quality, safe experience within the park itself. As you work through this toolkit, you can expect to learn how to thoughtfully engage your community, assess barriers to safe and equitable park access, identify goals and take meaningful action steps, and consider how to sustain your ongoing Safe Routes to Parks efforts.

Cover of SRTS LA's Launch a School Safety Valet Program

Launch a School Safety Valet Program (SRTS LA, 2019)

The Safety Valet Program enhances the safety of all students who travel to school Valet Program by walking, bicycling, or by vehicle. The Valet creates a special drop-off zone where students are assisted from parents vehicles by volunteers. Drivers do not need to park or get out of their vehicles to be certain that their students are arriving at school safely! 

Cover of Safe Routes Partnership's Safe Routes to Parks Evaluation Guide: Steps and Tips to Assess and Inform Efforts to Improve Park Access

Safe Routes to Parks Evaluation Guide: Steps and Tips to Assess and Inform Efforts to Improve Park Access (Safe Routes Partnership, 2019)

As you work to improve park access in your community, the question of whether the interventions you put in place to improve park access are meeting your goal may arise. To help answer the question, we recommend that you evaluate your efforts. The Evaluation stage of the Safe Routes to Parks Action Framework helps you assess the impact and effectiveness of your efforts to improve safe and equitable access to parks. The information gathered can be used to inform program planning, make continuous program improvements, show impact, make the case to local governments and funders for future investments, and generate further interest in advancing Safe Routes to Parks. This fact sheet will set out necessary steps and provide tips for using evaluation to improve park access in your community.

Cover of SRTS Partnership's How to Get a Bike Train Rolling at Your School

How to Get a Bike Train Rolling at Your School (Safe Routes Partnership, 2018)

The purpose of this guide is to provide a simple description of how to plan and organize a bike train. This guide outlines how to put together and run a bike train program at your school, including initial planning considerations, logistics, promotion, training, and evaluation. The guide has tried-and-true methods, resources, and templates to get you off to a quick start. Whether you are familiar with Safe Routes to School or it is brand new to you, this guide will get you on your way, pedaling toward a successful bike train program.

Cover of SafeTREC's Safe Routes for Seniors

Safe Routes for Seniors (SafeTREC, 2018)

With the increased focus on walking and bicycling comes opportunities to improve the safety of the transportation environment for all users. This guide provides communities with background information on walking and bicycling safety for older adults and tools to make transportation in California communities age-friendly for all.

Cover of SRTS Partnership's How to Start a Walking School Bus at Your School

How to Start a Walking School Bus at Your School (Safe Routes Partnership, 2016)

The purpose of this guide is to provide a clear description of how to plan and organize a walking school bus using adult volunteers as leaders. This step-by-step guide outlines how to plan and implement a walking school bus for your school, and includes proven tools, tips and resources for a fast and easy start. Whether or not you are familiar with SRTS, this guide will get you started on the right foot.

Cover of SRTS TARC's Safe Routes to School and Student Leaders: Facilitator’s Guide to Engaging Middle School Youth

Safe Routes to School and Student Leaders: Facilitator’s Guide to Engaging Middle School Youth (SRTS TARC, 2015)

Safe Routes to School and Student Leaders: Facilitator’s Guide to Engaging Middle School Youth (the Guide) offers practical tools for adult facilitators to support middle school students in the promotion of safe walking, bicycling, and public transit use to and from school. Student-led campaigns can generate enthusiasm and improve the social conditions for a Safe Routes to School program. As your youth group develops into a cohesive team of leaders taking on new skills, they will plan events and activities to engage their peers in safely walking and bicycling to school.

Cover of SRTS LA's Walk to School Organizer Manual

LA Walk to School Organizer Manual (SRTS LA)

Walk to School Day encourages parents, students, school personnel and other community members to directly experience the walk to school. For many communities, the event leads to more fun walking all year long. More walking, in turn, pays off in increased physical activity, better school performance, and a safer walking environment for our students.

Walk to School Day events come in all shapes and sizes. Start small or start big – the key is to find a good fit for your community.

Use this step by step Citywide Walk to School Organizer Manual in tandem with to register events, download training materials, and access event materials.

Cover of National Center for SRTS's Starting a Walking School Bus: The Basics

Starting a Walking School Bus: The Basics (National Center for SRTS)

Studies show that fewer children are walking and biking to school, and more children are at risk of becoming overweight. Changing behaviors of children and parents require creative solutions that are safe and fun. Implementing a walking school bus can be both.