Do you live or ride a bicycle in Oakland? If so, Oakland’s Department of Transportation (OakDOT) currently seeks input from East Bay residents on the latest draft plan of Let’s Bike Oakland. To inform the community planning process, The Bike Plan Team collaborated with key Oakland-based community partners (East Oakland Collective, Outdoor Afro, Bike4Life, Cycles of Change, and The Scraper Bike Team) to reach Oakland residents where they live, work, and play. The same community partners advised the City and public agencies on the draft plan and helped OakDOT record current conditions of Oakland’s bicycling networks to determine areas for improvement and refinement.
According to OakDOT, the citywide bike plan will focus on:
Updating the existing Plan’s vision, goals, and policies with a focus on equity
Engaging Oaklanders and empower local community organizations to be leaders in this update
Developing an action plan with performance measures for increasing the number of people who bike, decreasing bicyclist crashes, and improving the quality of bikeways to serve all ages and abilities.
Residents can explore the draft plan together by using an interactive tool to comment directly. The draft plan deadline for public comment is noon on Monday, April 15, 2019. Additional feedback can be e-mailed to
For more information about Let’s Bike Oakland, or to subscribe for plan updates, visit: