To support California counties with Pedestrian/Bicycle Master Plans, we have included county-specific pedestrian and bicycle crash data from 2018 - 2022 (SWITRS 2018 - 2022/Provisional 2021, 2022 update as of June 9, 2023) for our Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Data by County webpage.
July 17, 2023
Visit the webpage now to view interactive maps and accompanying tables that provide a brief overview of pedestrian and bicycle crash data on a county level across California. To get a more complete picture of the crash data including a year by year breakdown and crash rate for each county, a summary table is also available.
For city-specific breakdowns or any other queries related to Pedestrian and Bicycle crashes, please use SafeTREC's TIMS ATP Maps & Summary Data Tool. This tool allows users to create multiple crash maps to find pedestrian and bicycle crash hot spots and generates data summaries within specified project and/or community limits.