Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Data by County

To support California counties with Pedestrian/Bicycle Master Plans, we have included county-specific pedestrian and bicycle crash data from 2019 - 2023 (SWITRS 2019 - 2023/Provisional 2023 update as of January 6th, 2025) below. 

The following time series, interactive maps and accompanying tables aim to give a brief overview of pedestrian and bicycle crash data on a state and county wide level across California. All visuals and data from tables can be easily downloaded from this page, simply click the icon at the top right of each visual and select the format of your choice. 

For city-specific breakdowns or any other queries related to Pedestrian and Bicycle crashes, please use SafeTREC's TIMS ATP Maps & Summary Data Tool(link is external)(link is external). This tool allows users to create multiple crash maps to find pedestrian and bicycle crash hot spots and generates data summaries within specified project and/or community limits.

Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian Fatalities Time Series 

Pedestrian Fatalities Over Time Series Description

The Time series details pedestrian fatalities from 2014 to 2023. Fatality trends rose from 2014 to 2022. Please note that 2023 data is provisional and therefore should be interpreted with caution. 

Pedestrian Fatalities and Fatalities per Capita (100k) in California 

Pedestrian Fatalities and Fatalities per Capita (100k) Maps Description

Two Choropleth maps of California counties detailing the total number of pedestrian fatalities and fatalities per Capita (100k) in each county from 2019 to 2023. Counties with more pedestrian fatalities (or fatalities per Capita (100k))  are colored with red tones, while those with less pedestrian fatalities (or fatalities per Capita (100k)) use yellow tones. For more information, including the pedestrian serious injuries and serious injuries per Capita, please see the summary table below.

Pedestrian Summary Table Description

Table of California counties detailing the total number of pedestrian fatalities, fatalities per Capita (100k), serious injuries and serious injuries per Capita (100k) in each county from 2019 to 2023. The table is sorted by counties in alphabetical order and then by year. 

Bicycle Safety

Bicyclist Fatalities Time Series 

Bicylclist Fatalities Over Time Series Description

The Time series details bicycle fatalities from 2014 to 2018, followed by a dip from 2019-2021 and a sharp spike in 2022. Please note that 2023 data is provisional and therefore should be interpreted with caution. 

Bicyclist Fatalities and Fatalities per Capita (100k) in California

Bicyclist Fatalities and Fatalities per Capita (100k) Description

Two Choropleth maps of California counties detailing the total number of pedestrian fatalities and fatalities per Capita (100k) in each county from 2019 to 2023. Counties with more pedestrian fatalities (or fatalities per Capita (100k)) are colored with dark blue, while those with less bicyclist fatalities (or fatalities per Capita (100k)) use light blue tones. For more information, including the bicyclist serious injuries and injuries per Capita, please see the Summary Table below.

Bicycle Summary Table Description

Table of California counties detailing the total number of bicyclist fatalities, fatalities per Capita (100k), serious injuries and serious injuries per Capita (100k) in each county from 2019 to 2023. The table is sorted by counties in alphabetical order and then by year. 


Pedestrian and bicyclist fatality per capita and serious injury per capita (100k) rates were calculated based on the total number of fatalities and serious injuries in a county for that year divided by the total population (per 100k) in a county for that year respectively. For the pedestrian and bicyclist fatality per capita (100k) rates used in the map visuals, the total number of pedestrian and bicyclict fatalities was respecively summed over the 5 year period and then divided by the total 100k population. Population data was collected from the State of California Department of Finance.