Bicycle Networks

Let’s Bike Oakland! Draft Plan Seeks Community Review

April 9, 2019

Do you live or ride a bicycle in Oakland? If so, Oakland’s Department of Transportation (OakDOT) currently seeks input from East Bay residents on the latest draft plan of Let’s Bike Oakland. To inform the community planning process, The Bike Plan Team collaborated with key Oakland-based community partners (East Oakland Collective, Outdoor Afro, Bike4Life, Cycles of Change, and The Scraper Bike Team) to reach Oakland residents where they live, work...

What Are Complete Streets?

February 28, 2019

In communities throughout California, there is a call to make our streets safer for people of all ages and abilities, no matter how they are traveling, whether that is by car, walking, biking or riding a bus. In 2016, 16 pedestrians died every day in traffic collisions, averaging a pedestrian every 1.5 hours. Bicycle fatalities increased by 8.1% from 136 fatalities in 2015 to 147 fatalities in 2016. How might we rethink this focus and design with safety in mind for all modes of travel?

Complete Streets Defined


Register Today: Introduction to Bicycle Transportation Planning and Design

March 13, 2019

The Active Transportation Resource Center (ATRC), along with Caltrans, is hosting two trainings next month intended to guide practitioners in the planning and design of bicycle routes along roadways in California. These free, day-long introductory courses are designed for architects, planners, engineers from local, regional and state agencies to “explore the tools used to assess and evaluate the suitability of a transportation route and facilitate its use by all types of cyclists.” Larry Moore, a retired Caltrans engineer, will teach both courses....

2018 PlacesForBikes Conference: May 1-3

February 22, 2018

The second annual PlacesForBikes conference is coming up and will take place in Indianapolis, Indiana this year from May 1-3. This is a great opportunity to join hundreds of leaders and thinkers to focus together on how to build and support better and safer bicycle infrastructure!

Community bicyclists

Topics at the conference will include:

planning complete bike networks building more equitable communities...

New NACTO Guide: Designing for All Ages and Abilities

December 29, 2017

The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) has released a new guide, Designing for All Ages and Abilities: Contextual Guidance for High-Comfort Bicycle Facilities that will help cities determine what types of bike infrastructure help in achieving the goal to build bike networks that are safe and comfortable for riders of all ages and abilities.


Recently Published TRR: Bicycle and Motorcycles

February 21, 2017

 Bicycle and MotorcycleTRB’s recently published Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2587 consists of 17 papers that explore issues related to bicycles and motorcycles, including:

Learning from Insurance Data: Injuries to Other Road Users in Motorcyclist At-Fault Crashes Modeling the Speed...

New FHWA Guide: Separated Bike Lane Planning & Design

October 9, 2015

The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) new Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide is an important resource for communities across the United States to use in building safe and connected bicycle networks that meet the needs of people of all ages and abilities.
