
Transportation Research Record: Pedestrians 2014

March 27, 2015
In the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2464 (link is external) are 18 papers that address a range of pedestrian issues, including: a safety performance study of shared pedestrian and vehicle space; impacts of alternative yield sign placement on pedestrian safety;

Economic Benefits of Safety Investments for Bicyclists and Pedestrians

April 2, 2015

On February 23, 2015, at the Active Living Research 2015 Annual Conference in San Diego, California, SafeTREC presented a poster session on the "Economic Benefits of Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Investments Around Transit," based on research conducted from 2011 to 2014. The research was sponsored by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and ...

San Mateo Adopts Sustainable Streets Plan

March 4, 2015

The City of San Mateo recently completed its Sustainable Streets Plan. The city’s vision includes “integrating Complete Streets and Green Streets into street designs that are comfortable and convenient for the breadth of travel choices and that improve water quality and reduce other...

Knight Foundation Publishes Guide to Livable Cities

March 3, 2015

With funding from the Knight Foundation, 8-80 Cities, a Toronto-based nonprofit dedicated to transforming cities, will help civic innovators make their communities more vibrant places where people can walk, bike, and access better transit...

California Transportation Plan (CTP 2040)

March 5, 2015

The California Transportation Plan 2040 (CTP 2040) is a statewide policy plan designed to meet California's future transportation needs and to support achieving a statewide reduction in greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. It envisions a fully integrated, multimodal, and sustainable transportation...

FHWA Guide Counts Pedestrians and Bikes for First Time

August 13, 2014
This is the first edition of the Traffic Monitoring Guide to include information on monitoring pedestrians, bicyclists, and other non-motorized road and trail users. Even though both of these modes preceded the automobile, the monitoring of non-motorized traffic has not been systematic or widespread in the U.S. and, even today, is not nearly as comprehensive as motorized traffic monitoring.

TRB Guidebook on Pedestrian and Bicycle Volume Data Collection Published

January 26, 2015
The Transportation Research Board's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 797: Guidebook on Pedestrian and Bicycle Volume Data Collection has just been published. The book describes methods and technologies for counting pedestrians and bicyclists, offers guidance on developing a non-motorized count program, gives suggestions on selecting appropriate counting methods and technologies, and provides examples of how organizations have used non-motorized count data to better fulfill their missions.

Oakland Releases Roadway Design Options for Telegraph Avenue Complete Streets

April 24, 2014
This document released in April 2014 by the City of Oakland is a comprehensive, detailed look at a proposed Complete Streets implementation for a large section of Telegraph Avenue. It reflects a deeply detailed knowledge of the street, and seeks to address the needs of transit riders...