
Tribal Transportation Safety Plans, an online community working to reduce injuries and fatalities from transportation incidents in Tribal areas, has created a webpage highlighting a collection of Transportation Safety Plans developed by Tribes. The collection of plans in the state of California are featured below. Visit the Safety Plans Library to view plans for Tribal Governments organized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) region....

Pedestrian and Bicyclist Counts

Pedestrian and bicycle counts are often required for transportation models, to determine capacity and to assess the attractiveness of a streetscape to non-motorized users. By counting them, it is possible to demonstrate their significance as road users in allocating resources for improvements. Counts can also serve as benchmarks for evaluations of safety enhancements.

Counts also allow us to fully understand crash data, because they help us better visualize how common crashes are in our research area. Below, you'll find resources on counts for specific regions in California, guides...

October is National Pedestrian Safety Month!

October 18, 2023
Every October, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) invites us to celebrate National Pedestrian Month.

NHTSA reminds us that we must work together to create a transportation system that is safe and comfortable for all people of all ages and abilities to walk. The ...

Safe Streets for All Ages: Reflections on the Urban95 Expert Assembly

February 7, 2019
Original blog post appeared on the Bernard van Leer Foundation Blog on February 4, 2019

Last autumn the Bernard van Leer Foundation gathered a group of experts in the fields of early childhood development, mobility, transportation safety, public space, urban form, recreation, and air quality at the Urban95 Expert Assembly in Downtown Los Angeles (DTLA). BvLF’s...

It's Walk to Work Day 2022!

April 1, 2022

Today is Walk to Work Day 2022! Each year in April, this day is an opportunity to celebrate the many benefits of having safe and convenient spaces to walk for all ages and abilities. Having a walkable community benefits everyone, with public health promoting benefits like improved fitness, reduced health risks, and a greater sense of community.

Unfortunately, pedestrian injuries and fatalities continue to rise. According to the latest 2020 annual crash data from the National Highway...

The Active Transportation Equity: A Scan of Existing Master Plans

August 18, 2015

The Active Transportation Equity: A Scan of Existing Master Plans report examines explicit mentions of equity within existing 38 current bicycle and pedestrian master plans. The 38 bicycle, pedestrian and joint pedestrian/ bicycle master plans were selected based on...

Celebrate Walking and Rolling to School today, next week & all year long!

October 5, 2022
Join the celebration on #WalkRollToSchoolDay 2022!

October is National Pedestrian Safety Month, and throughout the month, communities across the U.S. will be celebrating and holding events to support safe walking and rolling to school. October 5th is International Walk to School Day, and many schools and organizations like Walk San Francisco will be holding activities to encourage safer routes to school that day and all week long. The...

September 2023 is Pedestrian Safety Month in California!

September 6, 2023
Pedestrian Safety Month is celebrated each September in California and the event is spearheaded by the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS).

Each year, OTS and its partners raise awareness about the safety risks pedestrians face on the road and the roles each road user can take to ensure those walking can do so safely and comfortably. Based on data projections from the Governors Highway Safety Association, 7,508 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes...

September is Pedestrian Safety Month in California

September 14, 2022

Recent reports have continued to document the crisis of traffic deaths for people on our roadways. Data estimates from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show that traffic fatalities reached a 16 year high in 2021, with an estimated 42,915 motor vehicle fatalities, a 10.5% increase from the 38,824 fatalities in 2020. The number of people dying while...